The Ultimate World Population Quiz
When did the world's population reach 1 billion?
- 1804 is right. It took millions of years for the world's population to reach 1 billion, and it happened around the time of the Industrial Revolution.
What was the world's population in 1950?
- 2.5 billion. The world's population grew rapidly in the 20th century, especially after World War II.
When did the world's population reach 3 billion?
- 1970. It only took 20 years for the world's population to increase from 2 billion to 3 billion.
What was the world's population in 1990?
- 6 billion. The world's population continued to grow at a rapid pace in the 1990s.
When did the world's population reach 7 billion?
- 2011. It took only 12 years for the world's population to increase from 6 billion to 7 billion.
Which continent has the largest population?
- Asia is the most populous continent with about 60% of the world's total population.
When is the world's population expected to reach 9 billion?
- 2050. The world's population is expected to continue to grow, but at a slower rate than in the past.
Which country has the largest population?
- As of 2023, India overtook China, making it the most populous country in the world.
What is the current world population?
- The world's population is constantly changing, but 8.04 is the estimated total population as of 2023.
What is the projected world population in 2100?
- 11 billion. It is projected that the world's population will continue to grow, but at a slower rate than in the past.