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The Amazing Race

CBSWednesday 9:00–10:00 p.m.Host:Phil Keoghan Yet another entry in the reality/adventure genre. Eleven teams of two (team members are connected in some way: friends, lovers, family members)…

Brewer's: Amazement

Not afraid with any amazement (1 Peter iii. 6), introduced at the close of the marriage service in the Book of Common Prayer. The meaning is, you will be God's children so long as you do…

Newton, John

(Encyclopedia) Newton, John, 1725–1807, English clergyman and hymn writer, b. London. Until 1755, his life was spent chiefly at sea, where he eventually became the captain of a slave ship plying the…

Weather: The Amazing Andrew

The Amazing AndrewWeatherBlowing Cold and Hot: The Big OnesWinter Gone SouthBig-City SnowsStorm of the Century?The Greatest One of AllModern Winter of Deep SnowsGalveston Storm SurgeThe Great New…

1999 Amazing Accomplishments

Two Grannys St. Louis CardinalsFernando TatisBecame the first player in major league history to smack two grand slams in the same inning...hit both shots off Dodgers starter Chan Ho Park in…

Walt Whitman: A Child's Amaze

A Child's AmazeSilent and amazed even when a little boy, I remember I heard the preacher every Sunday put God in his statements, As contending against some being or influence.

Parsons, Sir Charles Algernon

(Encyclopedia) Parsons, Sir Charles Algernon, 1854–1931, British engineer. He invented a revolutionary steam turbine that bears his name. His first turbines were constructed to drive generators to…

Mahlon Leonard Fisher: Old Amaze

Old AmazeMahlon Leonard FisherMine eyes are filled today with old amaze At mountains, and at meadows deftly strewn With bits of the gay jewelry of June And of her splendid vesture; and,…

Sheppard, Jack

(Encyclopedia) Sheppard, Jack, 1702–24, English criminal. Raised in a workhouse, he ran away with Bess Lyon, known as Edgeworth Bess, who, with another girl known as Poll Maggott, incited him to a…

Sloane, T(homas) O'Conor

(Encyclopedia) Sloane, T(homas) O'Conor, 1851–1940, American scientist, lecturer, writer, and periodical editor, Ph.D. Columbia, 1876. Sloane was a member of the editorial staff of the Scientific…