George WHITE, Congress, OH (1872-1953)

WHITE George , a Representative from Ohio; born in Elmira, Chemung County, N.Y., August 21, 1872; moved with his parents to Titusville, Crawford County, Pa., in 1874; attended the common schools; was graduated from the local high school in 1891 and from Princeton College in 1895; taught school for several years; mined in the Klondike 1898-1901; moved to Washington County, Ohio, in 1902 and settled in Marietta; engaged in the production of oil; member of the State house of representatives 1905-1908; unsuccessful candidate for election in 1908 to the Sixty-first Congress; elected as a Democrat to the Sixty-second and Sixty-third Congresses (March 4, 1911-March 3, 1915); unsuccessful candidate for reelection in 1914 to the Sixty-fourth Congress; elected to the Sixty-fifth Congress (March 4, 1917-March 3, 1919); was an unsuccessful candidate for reelection in 1918 to the Sixty-sixth Congress; served as chairman of the Democratic National Committee from July 1920 to November 1921; resumed his former activities in the oil business; Governor of Ohio 1931-1935; chairman of the Northwest Territory (Federal) Commission in 1938; vice chairman of the Marietta College Board of Trustees; vice president and a director of People's Banking & Trust Co. of Marietta, Ohio; died in West Palm Beach, Fla., December 15, 1953; interment in Oak Grove Cemetery, Marietta, Ohio.


Queenan, Thomas J. ``The Public Career of George White, 1905-1941.'' Ph.D. dissertation, Kent State University, 1976.

Source: Biographical Directory of the United States Congress, 1771-Present

Birth Date