Timeline: USSR

From the Bolshevik Revolution in 1917 to to Gorbachev's glasnost and perestroika
1900s | 1920s | 1940s | 1960s | 1980s | 1990s | Next Timeline |
1917 |
Bolshevik Revolution: Czar Nicholas abdicates; Bolsheviks, led by Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, take control; Russian Soviet Socialist Republic established; capital moves to Moscow |
1918 |
Bolsheviks assassinate czar |
1918-1921 |
Red Terror: Lenin purges Communist Party, socializes economy; 5 million die of famine |
1921 |
Lenin inaugurates New Economic Policy, allows limited free-market measures |
1922 |
Russia, Ukraine, Belorussia, Transcaucasia (present-day Armenia, Georgia, Azerbaijan) form Union of Soviet Socialist Republics |
1924-1929 |
Joseph Stalin consolidates power; inaugurates first Five-Year Plan, collectivizes agriculture, industrializes; famine returns |
1936 |
Millions die in Stalin's Great Purge (through 1953) |
1941 |
Germany invades Russia |
1945 |
World War II ends; Russia occupies Eastern Europe, establishes puppet governments, Cold War takes shape |
1949 |
Soviets explode atomic device |
1953 |
Stalin dies; Nikita Khrushchev becomes first secretary of Communist Party |
1956 |
Khrushchev denounces Stalin |
1961 |
Soviets launch world's first manned space flight |
1962 |
Cuban Missile Crisis, Khrushchev withdraws missiles from Cuba |
1964 |
Leonid Brezhnev helps engineer Khrushchev's fall from power, becomes first secretary of Communist Party |
1969 |
Major border clashes with China |
1972 |
Détente: President Richard Nixon visits USSR, signs arms control treaties with Chairman Brezhnev |
1978-1982 |
Soviets invade Afghanistan |
1985-1991 |
General Secretary Mikhail Gorbachev attempts to improve faltering economy with glasnost (openness) and perestroika (restructuring) |
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