Pronunciation: (sik), [key]
— sicked sicced sick•ing sic•cing.
- to attack (used esp. in commanding a dog): Sic 'em!
- to incite to attack (usually fol. by on).
Pronunciation: (sik), [key]
— adj. Chiefly Scot.
- such.
Pronunciation: (sēk Eng. sik), [key]
— adv. Latin.
- so; thus: usually written parenthetically to denote that a word, phrase, passage, etc., that may appear strange or incorrect has been written intentionally or has been quoted verbatim:(sic). He signed his name as e. e. cummings
— U.S. Govt. U.S. Govt.
- Standard Industrial Classification: a system used by the federal government to classify business activities for analytical and reporting purposes.
- Sicilian.
- Sicily.
Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Copyright © 1997, by Random House, Inc., on Infoplease.