Pronunciation: (lēg), [key]
— n., v., leagued, lea•guing.
- a covenant or compact made between persons, parties, states, etc., for the promotion or maintenance of common interests or for mutual assistance or service.
- the aggregation of persons, parties, states, etc., associated in such a covenant or compact; confederacy.
- an association of individuals having a common goal.
- a group of athletic teams organized to promote mutual interests and to compete chiefly among themselves: a bowling league.
- Seemajor league.
- Seeminor league.
- group; class; category: As a pianist he just simply isn't in your league.
- working together, often secretly or for a harmful purpose; united.
—v.t., v.i.
- to unite in a league; combine.
Pronunciation: (lēg), [key]
— n.
- a unit of distance, varying at different periods and in different countries, in English-speaking countries usually estimated roughly at 3 miles (4.8 kilometers).
- a square league, as a unit of land measure.
Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Copyright © 1997, by Random House, Inc., on Infoplease.