choose: Meaning and Definition of


Pronunciation: (chz), [key]
— v., chose cho&sylsen chose choos&syling.
  1. to select from a number of possibilities; pick by preference: She chose Sunday for her departure.
  2. to prefer or decide (to do something): He chose to run for election.
  3. to want; desire.
  4. (esp. in children's games) to contend with (an opponent) to decide, as by odd or even, who will do something: I'll choose you to see who gets to bat first.
  1. to make a choice: He chose carefully.
  2. to be inclined: You may stay here, if you choose.
  3. (esp. in children's games) to decide, as by means of odd or even, who will do something: Let's choose to see who bats first.
  4. cannot do otherwise than; is or are obliged to: He cannot choose but obey.
  5. The boys chose up sides for the game.
    1. to select (players) for a contest or game:The boys chose up sides for the game.
    2. to select players for a contest or game:We have to choose up before we can play.
Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Copyright © 1997, by Random House, Inc., on Infoplease.
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