all right: Meaning and Definition of

all" right'

Pronunciation: [key]
  1. safe; sound: Are you all right?
  2. yes; very well; OK: All right, I'll go with you.
  3. (used as an interrogative or interrogative tag) OK?; do you agree?: We'll deal with this problem tomorrow, all right?
  4. satisfactory; acceptable: His performance was all right, but I've seen better.
  5. satisfactorily; acceptably: His work is coming along all right.
  6. without fail; certainly: You'll hear about this, all right!
  7. reliable; good: That fellow is all right.
  8. quite satisfactory (used as an understatement): The way he saved that child's life was a bit of all right.


Pronunciation: (ôl'rīt"), [key]
— adj. Informal.
  1. agreeable, acceptable, or commendable: an all-right plan.
Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Copyright © 1997, by Random House, Inc., on Infoplease.