My Favorite Lunchbox

QUICK POLLWhat's the coolest way to take lunch to school?More Lunchboxes |
Does peanut butter and jelly make you think fondly of Strawberry Shortcake's poofy pink hat, or Shaun Cassidy's dreamy white smile? Then you may be are a true lunchbox nostalgist. Tell us the story of your favorite pail and give that old tin a voice!
Read all about the American Lunchbox.
From Our Readers

Howdy Doody
When I started school in 1955, Mom let me pick out any lunchbox I wanted and I chose one with all the Howdy Doody characters on it because that was my favorite TV show. I was so excited about going to school with my wonderful new lunchbox. The first day of school finally arrived and I discovered—to my dismay—that all the other girls had lunchboxes with "girlish" designs. Scotch plaids were very popular, I remember. Howdy Doody suddenly looked like a BOY'S lunchbox and I was immediately ashamed of it.
—June in California
Snoopy and Woodstock
My all-time favorite lunchbox was a red plastic box with Snoopy and Woodstock and I added my own personal touch by putting puffy Cap'n Crunch stickers around the sides.
—Lisa in Ohio
Syrup Bucket
We didn't have the fancy lunchboxes my children had. I grew up in the country and for lunch I had a biscuit or two with a sausage and egg. I still have fond memories of swinging that bucket as I walked to school.
—Lucinda in Texas
Family Affair
I had a Family Affair tin lunchbox in the early 70s and it was way cool. I wish I still had it. That was a great show! I loved taking my lunch to school in that lunchbox.
—Susan in Nebraska
From Our Editors
Strawberry Shortcake
The shape of Strawberry Shortcake was embossed on the top my lunchbox. It's the only one I remember so it must have been special!
Star Wars
So 1977! I was jealous of neighbor kids who had Star Wars figures. But my black lunchbox had an X-Wing fighter on the front.
Shaun Cassidy
My first crush! I also had a Shaun Cassidy puzzle. My mother had to explain to me that no, Shaun Cassidy was not the original singer of "Da Doo Ron Ron."
The Simpsons
Bought it at a drug store to bring my lunch to work, but decided everyone would think I was crazy. I'll keep it for my own kid to use someday.
Bad Badtz Maru
I got a blue Badtz Maru lunchbox at a yard sale and I use to hold hair ties. It makes me laugh.