Poll Archive
United States
- What's your assessment of the federal government's response to Hurricane Katrina?
- According to military officials, the Pentagon plans to omit a core tenet of the Geneva Conventions from its new detainee policies—the ban on "humiliating and degrading treatment." What's your opinion of this?
- Who is your favorite U.S. president?
- Does President Bush have the power to secretly wiretap American citizens without a court order?
- Illegal immigrants currently in the U.S. should be:
- Was the Iraq war worth it?
- Who do you think won the first presidential debate between Sen. John McCain and Sen. Barack Obama?
- How should the federal government regulate marijuana?
- What's your view of gay marriage and same-sex civil unions?
- Which branch of government do you currently have the most confidence in?
- Should Congress investigate the Bush administration's interrogation of terrorism suspects, domestic eavesdropping, and the expansion of the executive?
- Have increased gasoline prices changed your behavior?
- What do you think is the fate of Iraq over the next year?
- Which First Lady do you think contributed the most to her husband's Presidency?
- Which branch of government do you currently have the most respect for?
- What role do you think the federal government should play regarding the environmental practices of business?
- Which of the United States' post-Vietnam military conflicts do you consider the most justified?
- Do you think the new health care bill should be:
- What Wonder of the Modern World would you most like to visit?
- If Osama bin Laden were arrested, he should:
- According to a recent Wall Street Journal/Harris Interactive poll, President Bush's approval ratings have dropped to 29'. What do you think is the single biggest reason for this fall?
- What's your view of the crisis brewing in the Senate regarding filibusters, Senate rules, and judicial nominees?
- Do you think the minimum wage should be raised from $5.15 an hour?
- What's your favorite American sports car?
- Do you think referring to God in the Pledge of Allegiance violates the separation of church and state?
- Do you think the government should be making terrorist threats known to the public?
- What feature of the economic stimulus package is most important to your family?
- Which was America's most horrific war?
Health & Science
- Do you think the AIDS crisis is over?
- Do you agree with the FDA's approval of RU 486, the abortion pill?
- Should the federal government finance stem cell research?
- What is your favorite eco-friendly strategy?
- Are you in favor of President Bush's new space initiative to create a lunar base?
- What precautions are you taking to avoid contracting H1N1 (swine flu)?
- How should the theft and abuse of OxyContin be addressed?
- How concerned are you about global warming?
- Which futuristic advance—promised by books, movies, or television—are you disappointed we don't have yet?
- If the anthrax vaccine were available to you, would you choose to receive it?
- If the smallpox vaccine were available to you, would you get innoculated?
- Has Foot-and-mouth disease or Mad Cow disease affected your diet?
Society & Culture
- Who is your favorite cartoon TV mom?
- What are you giving up for Lent?
- What's the best way to beat the heat during the summer?
- What's your New Year's resolution?
- Are cell phones a necessity or a luxury?
- What do you plan to give your valentine?
- When I go to the beach I am most afraid of...
- What part of summer are you looking forward to the most this year?
- When do you finish your Christmas shopping?
- What do you enjoy most about the 4th of July?
- What is your favorite social media outlet?
- Is Black Friday worth losing sleep and battling crowds?
- Should the public be able to view executions?
- Should Catholic priests be allowed to marry?
- Which of the seven deadly sins do you consider the most egregious?
- What is the best type of candy to find in your Easter basket?
- When should people start putting up Christmas decorations?
- How do you think the National Football League should react to domestic abuse by its players?
- Who aggravates you most when you're driving?
- What's the hottest holiday gift?
- What is the biggest cutback your family has made as a result of the recession?
- How would you meet a new Valentine?
- Should the Washington Redskins change their name?
- What's the best season to get married?
- Who is your favorite TV mom?
- What do you plan to give your valentine?
- What's your favorite motherly advice?
- What's your favorite winter activity?
- How should you eat a chocolate bunny?
- What is your favorite activity to do with your father?
- Who is your favorite among these unfatherly movie fathers?
- What is your favorite book of the Harry Potter series?
- Which reality TV show would you vote off the island?
- Who is your favorite super hero?
- What is the most exciting Winter Olympic sport to watch?
- As an adult, which cartoons do you prefer?
- Which of these is the funniest scary movie?
- What's your favorite love story?
- Which U.S. politician would make the best TV talk show host?
- Who is your favorite TV Dad?
- What's the best Thanksgiving movie?
- What is your favorite Michael Jackson song?
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