Old Testament Names
Updated September 9, 2022 |
Infoplease Staff

We do not pretend that this list is all-inclusive. We list only those names that occur most often in crossword puzzles.
- Aaron: First high priest of Jews; son of Amram; brother of Miriam and Moses; father of Abihu, Eleazer, Ithamar, and Nadab.
- Abel: Son of Adam and Eve; slain by Cain.
- Abigail: Wife of Nabal; later, wife of David.
- Abihu: Son of Aaron.
- Abimelech: King of Gerar.
- Abner: Commander of army of Saul and Ishbosheth; slain by Joab.
- Abraham (or Abram): Patriarch; forefather of the Jews; son of Terah; husband of Sarah; father of Isaac and Ishmael.
- Absalom: Son of David and Maacah; revolted against David; slain by Joab.
- Achish: King of Gath; gave refuge to David.
- Achsa (or Achsah): Daughter of Caleb; wife of Othniel.
- Adah: Wife of Lamech.
- Adam: First man; husband of Eve; father of Cain, Abel, and Seth.
- Adonijah: Son of David and Haggith.
- Agag: King of Amalek; spared by Saul; slain by Samuel.
- Ahasuerus: King of Persia; husband of Vashti and, later, Esther; sometimes identified with Xerxes the Great.
- Ahijah: Prophet; foretold accession of Jeroboam.
- Ahinoam: Wife of David.
- Amasa: Commander of army of David; slain by Joab.
- Amnon: Son of David and Ahinoam; raped Tamar; slain by Absalom.
- Amram: Husband of Jochebed; father of Aaron, Miriam and Moses.
- Asenath: Wife of Joseph.
- Asher: Son of Jacob and Zilpah.
- Balaam: Prophet; rebuked by his donkey for cursing God.
- Barak: Jewish captain; associated with Deborah.
- Baruch: Secretary to Jeremiah.
- Bathsheba: Wife of Uriah; later, wife of David.
- Belshazzar: Crown prince of Babylon.
- Benaiah: Warrior of David; proclaimed Solomon King.
- Ben-Hadad: Name of several kings of Damascus.
- Benjamin: Son of Jacob and Rachel.
- Bezaleel: Chief architect of Tabernacle.
- Bilbah: Servant of Rachel; mistress of Jacob.
- Bildad: Comforter of Job.
- Boaz: Husband of Ruth; father of Obed.
- Cain: Son of Adam and Eve; slayer of Abel; father of Enoch.
- Cainan: Son of Enos.
- Caleb: Spy sent out by Moses to visit Canaan; father of Achsa.
- Canaan: Son of Ham.
- Chilion: Son of Elimelech; husband of Orpah.
- Cush: Son of Ham; father of Nimrod.
- Dan: Son of Jacob and Bilhah.
- Daniel: Prophet; saved from lions by God.
- Deborah: Hebrew prophetess and judge; helped Israelites conquer Canaanites.
- Delilah: Mistress and betrayer of Samson.
- Elam: Son of Shem.
- Eleazar: Son of Aaron; succeeded him as high priest.
- Eli: High priest and judge; teacher of Samuel; father of Hophni and Phinehas.
- Eliakim: Chief minister of Hezekiah.
- Eliezer: Servant of Abraham.
- Elihu: Comforter of Job.
- Elijah (or Elias): Prophet; went to heaven in chariot of fire.
- Elimelech: Husband of Naomi; father of Chilion and Mahlon.
- Eliphaz: Comforter of Job.
- Elisha (or Eliseus): Prophet; successor of Elijah.
- Elkanah: Husband of Hannah; father of Samuel.
- Enoch: Son of Cain.
- Enoch: Father of Methuselah.
- Enos: Son of Seth; father of Cainan.
- Ephraim: Son of Joseph.
- Esau: Son of Isaac and Rebecca; sold his birthright to his twin brother Jacob.
- Esther: Jewish wife of Ahasuerus; saved Jews from Haman's plotting.
- Eve: First woman; wife of Adam.
- Ezra (or Esdras): Hebrew scribe and priest.
- Gad: Son of Jacob and Zilpah.
- Gehazi: Servant of Elisha.
- Gideon: Israelite hero; defeated Midianites.
- Goliath: Philistine giant; slain by David.
- Hagar: Handmaid of Sarah; concubine of Abraham; mother of Ishmael.
- Haggith: Mother of Adonijah.
- Ham: Son of Noah; father of Cush, Mizraim, Phut, and Canaan.
- Haman: Chief minister of Ahasuerus; hanged on gallows prepared for Mordecai.
- Hannah: Wife of Elkanah; mother of Samuel.
- Hanun: King of Ammonites.
- Haran: Brother of Abraham; father of Lot.
- Hazael: King of Damascus.
- Hephzi-Bah: Wife of Hezekiah; mother of Mannaseh.
- Hiram: King of Tyre.
- Holofernes: General of Nebuchadnezzar; slain by Judith.
- Hophni: Son of Eli.
- Isaac: Hebrew patriarch; son of Abraham and Sarah; half brother of Ishmael; husband of Rebecca; father of Esau and Jacob.
- Ishmael: Son of Abraham and Hagar; half brother of Isaac.
- Issachar: Son of Jacob and Leah.
- Ithamar: Son of Aaron.
- Jabal: Son of Lamech and Adah.
- Jabin: King of Hazor.
- Jacob: Hebrew patriarch; founder of Israel; son of Isaac and Rebecca; husband of Leah and Rachel; father of sons Asher, Benjamin, Dan, Gad, Issachar, Joseph, Judah, Levi, Naphtali, Reuben, Simeon, and Zebulun, and daughter Dinah.
- Jael: Slayer of Sisera.
- Japheth:Son of Noah.
- Jehoiada: High priest; husband of Jehoshabeath; revolted against Athaliah and made Joash King of Judah.
- Jehoshabeath (or Jehosheba): Daughter of Jehoram of Judah; wife of Jehoiada.
- Jephthah: Judge in Israel; sacrificed his only daughter because of vow.
- Jesse: Son of Obed; father of David.
- Jethro: Midianite priest; father of Zipporah.
- Jezebel: Phoenician princess; wife of Ahab; mother of Ahaziah, Athaliah, and Jehoram.
- Joab: Commander in chief under David; slayer of Abner, Absalom, and Amasa.
- Job: Patriarch; underwent many afflictions; comforted by Bildad, Elihu, Eliphaz and Zophar.
- Jochebed: Wife of Amram.
- Jonah: Prophet; cast into sea and swallowed by great fish.
- Jonathan: Son of Saul; friend of David.
- Joseph: Son of Jacob and Rachel; sold into slavery by his brothers; husband of Asenath; father of Ephraim and Manassah.
- Joshua: Successor of Moses; son of Nun.
- Jubal: Son of Lamech and Adah.
- Judah: Son of Jacob and Leah.
- Judith: Slayer of Holofernes.
- Kish: Father of Saul.
- Laban: Father of Leah and Rachel.
- Lamech: Son of Methuselah; father of Noah.
- Lamech: Husband of Adah and Zillah; father of Jabal, Jubal, and Tubal-Cain.
- Leah: Daughter of Laban; wife of Jacob; sister of Rachel.
- Levi: Son of Jacob and Leah.
- Lot: Son of Haran; escaped destruction of Sodom.
- Maacah: Mother of Absalom and Tamar.
- Mahlon: Son of Elimelech; first husband of Ruth.
- Manasseh: Son of Joseph.
- Melchizedek: King of Salem.
- Methuselah: Patriarch; son of Enoch; father of Lamech.
- Michal: Daughter of Saul; wife of David.
- Miriam: Prophetess; daughter of Amram; sister of Aaron and Moses.
- Mizraim: Son of Ham.
- Mordecai: Uncle of Esther; with her aid, saved Jews from Haman's plotting.
- Moses: Prophet and lawgiver; son of Amram; brother of Aaron and Miriam; husband of Zipporah.
- Naaman: Syrian captain; cured of leprosy by Elisha.
- Nabal: Husband of Abigail.
- Naboth: Owner of vineyard; stoned to death because he would not sell it to Ahab.
- Nadab: Son of Aaron.
- Nahor: Father of Terah.
- Naomi: Wife of Elimelech; mother-in-law of Ruth.
- Naphtali: Son of Jacob and Bilhah.
- Nathan: Prophet; reproved David for causing Uriah's death.
- Nebuchadnezzar (or Nebuchadrezzar): King of Babylon; destroyer of Jerusalem.
- Nehemiah: Jewish leader; empowered by Artaxerxes to rebuild Jerusalem.
- Nimrod: Mighty hunter; son of Cush.
- Noah: Patriarch; son of Lamech; escaped Deluge by building Ark; father of Ham, Japheth and Shem.
- Nun (or Non): Father of Joshua.
- Obed: Son of Boaz; father of Jesse.
- Og: King of Bashan.
- Orpah: Wife of Chilion.
- Othniel: Kenezite; judge of Israel; husband of Achsa.
- Phinehas: Son of Eleazer.
- Phinehas: Son of Eli.
- Phut (or Put): Son of Ham.
- Potiphar: Egyptian official; bought Joseph.
- Rachel: Wife of Jacob; mother of Joseph; sister of Leah.
- Rebecca (or Rebekah): Wife of Isaac; mother of Esau and Jacob.
- Reuben: Son of Jacob and Leah.
- Ruth: Wife of Mahlon, later of Boaz; daughter-in-law of Naomi.
- Samson: Judge of Israel; famed for strength; betrayed by Delilah.
- Samuel: Hebrew judge and prophet; son of Elkanah.
- Sarah (or Sara, Sarai): Wife of Abraham; mother of Isaac.
- Sennacherib: King of Assyria.
- Seth: Son of Adam; father of Enos.
- Shem: Son of Noah; father of Elam.
- Simeon: Son of Jacob and Leah.
- Sisera: Canaanite captain; slain by Jael.
- Tamar: Daughter of David and Maachah; raped by Amnon.
- Terah: Son of Nahor; father of Abraham.
- Tubal-Cain: Son of Lamech and Zillah.
- Uriah: Husband of Bathsheba; sent to death in battle by David.
- Vashti: Wife of Ahasuerus; set aside by him.
- Zadok: High priest during David's reign.
- Zebulun (or Zabulon): Son of Jacob and Leah.
- Zillah: Wife of Lamech.
- Zilpah: Servant of Leah; mistress of Jacob.
- Zipporah: Daughter of Jethro; wife of Moses.
- Zophar: Comforter of Job.