Telephones and Computers by Country, 2003

Updated September 9, 2022 | Infoplease Staff

(rates per 100 persons)

Country Telephone
main lines
Argentina 21.88 17.76 8.20
Australia 54.23 71.95 60.18
Austria 48.07 87.88 37.41
Belgium 48.92 79.28 31.81
Brazil 22.29 26.36 7.48
Bulgaria 38.05 46.64 5.19
Canada 65.14 41.90 48.70
China 20.90 21.48 2.76
Colombia 17.93 14.13 4.93
Cuba 6.40 0.31 2.39
Czech Republic 36.03 96.46 17.74
Ecuador 12.24 18.92 3.24
Egypt 12.73 8.45 2.91
Finland 49.20 90.96 44.17
France 56.60 69.59 34.71
Germany 65.73 78.52 48.47
Greece 45.39 90.23 8.17
Guatemala 7.05 13.15 1.44
Hungary 34.86 76.88 10.84
India 4.63 2.47 0.72
Indonesia 3.94 8.74 1.19
Ireland 49.13 87.96 42.08
Israel 45.82 96.07 24.26
Italy 48.40 101.76 23.07
Japan 47.19 67.90 38.22
South Korea 53.83 70.09 55.80
Lebanon 20.00 23.43 10.00
Mexico 15.97 29.47 8.30
Netherlands 61.43 76.76 46.66
Norway 71.35 90.89 52.83
Pakistan 2.66 1.75 0.42
Panama 12.20 26.76 3.83
Poland 31.87 45.09 14.20
Russia 25.27 24.93 8.87
Saudi Arabia 15.54 32.11 13.67
Singapore 45.03 85.25 62.20
South Africa 10.66 36.36 7.26
Spain 42.91 91.61 19.60
Sweden 73.57 98.05 62.13
Sqitzerland 72.75 84.34 70.87
Taiwan 59.08 114.14 47.14
Thailand 10.49 39.42 3.98
United Kingdom 59.06 91.17 40.57
United States 62.38 54.58 65.98
Venezuela 11.06 27.30 6.09
1. In many countries mainframe computers are used extensively, and thousands of users can be connected to a single mainframe computer; thus the number of PCs understates the total use of computers.
Source: International Telecommunications Union, Geneva, Switzerland, World Telecommunication Indicators, (copyright). From Statistical Abstract of the United States: 2006.

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