Countries Hosting Refugees, 2006
Updated August 5, 2020 |
Infoplease Staff

Although developed countries contribute most of the funding to assist refugees, developing countries host the vast majority of the world's refugees. Combined, nations with per capita incomes of less than $2,000 host more than two-thirds of all refugees. Nations with per capita income over $10,000 hosted four percent of the world's refugees. In many developing countries, refugees are a large portion of the total population.
Host country | Ratio of refugees to total population | Number of refugees |
West Bank and Gaza1 | 1:2 | 1,739,000 |
Jordan | 1:6 | 862,700 |
Lebanon | 1:13 | 294,200 |
Syria | 1:15 | 1,329,300 |
Chad | 1:35 | 286,800 |
Congo-Brazzaville | 1:62 | 60,000 |
Ecuador | 1:64 | 207,500 |
Tanzania | 1:78 | 485,700 |
Iran | 1:69 | 1,025,000 |
Cyprus | 1:75 | 13,400 |
Saudi Arabia | 1:100 | 241,100 |
Kenya | 1:103 | 337,700 |
Serbia | 1:122 | 77,900 |
Thailand | 1:160 | 408,400 |
Pakistan | 1:77 | 2,161,500 |
Nepal | 1:201 | 129,600 |
South Africa | 1:276 | 171,400 |
Egypt | 1:436 | 172,900 |
Canada | 1:750 | 43,500 |
Bangladesh | 1:823 | 178,100 |
Germany | 1:3,815 | 21,600 |
Australia | 1:1,392 | 14,800 |
United States | 1:2,032 | 147,200 |
India | 1:2,574 | 435,900 |
France | 1:1,319 | 46,400 |
China | 1:3,910 | 335,400 |
Spain | 1:8,273 | 5,500 |
Japan | 1:44,100 | 2,900 |
1. Territory, not country.
Source: World Refugee Survey, 2007, U.S. Committee on Refugees.
Internally Displaced Persons, 2005 | Worldwide Conflicts and Wars |