Countries Hosting Refugees, 2006

Updated August 5, 2020 | Infoplease Staff

Although developed countries contribute most of the funding to assist refugees, developing countries host the vast majority of the world's refugees. Combined, nations with per capita incomes of less than $2,000 host more than two-thirds of all refugees. Nations with per capita income over $10,000 hosted four percent of the world's refugees. In many developing countries, refugees are a large portion of the total population.

Host country Ratio of refugees
to total population
Number of
West Bank and Gaza1 1:2 1,739,000
Jordan 1:6 862,700
Lebanon 1:13 294,200
Syria 1:15 1,329,300
Chad 1:35 286,800
Congo-Brazzaville 1:62 60,000
Ecuador 1:64 207,500
Tanzania 1:78 485,700
Iran 1:69 1,025,000
Cyprus 1:75 13,400
Saudi Arabia 1:100 241,100
Kenya 1:103 337,700
Serbia 1:122 77,900
Thailand 1:160 408,400
Pakistan 1:77 2,161,500
Nepal 1:201 129,600
South Africa 1:276 171,400
Egypt 1:436 172,900
Canada 1:750 43,500
Bangladesh 1:823 178,100
Germany 1:3,815 21,600
Australia 1:1,392 14,800
United States 1:2,032 147,200
India 1:2,574 435,900
France 1:1,319 46,400
China 1:3,910 335,400
Spain 1:8,273 5,500
Japan 1:44,100 2,900
1. Territory, not country.
Source: World Refugee Survey, 2007, U.S. Committee on Refugees.

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