Volunteer Organizations

Habitat for Humanity International
Nonprofit organization dedicated to "eliminating substandard housing and homelessness worldwide and to making adequate, affordable shelter a matter of conscience and action." Habitat volunteers help to build houses for families in need. The organization, which was founded in 1976, has constructed approximately 70,000 houses around the world.
121 Habitat Street
Americus, GA 31709-3498
(912) 924-6935; (800) HABITAT
Student Conservation Association, Inc.
Student and adult volunteers perform a wide variety of conservation-related services across the country. Work is done in cooperation with federal and private organizations such as the National Park Service, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and the Audubon Society.
P.O. Box 550
Charlestown, NH 03603-0550
(603) 543-1700
Literacy Volunteers of America
LVA supports an educational volunteer-based program that helps adults and their families learn how to read. Carefully trained volunteers are matched up with adult learners, whom they tutor in basic reading.
635 James Street
Syracuse, NY 13203-2214
(315) 472-0001
Big Brothers Big Sisters of America
Adult volunteers are matched up with and serve as mentors for children aged 6-16 who might not otherwise get the support and guidance they need while growing up.
230 N. 13th St.
Philadelphia, PA 19107
(215) 567-7000