Life Expectancy by Age, 1850–2011

Updated July 27, 2023 | Infoplease Staff

The expectation of life at a specified age is the average number of years that members of a hypothetical group of people of the same age would continue to live if they were subject throughout the remainder of their lives to the same mortality rate.

Calendar period 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
White males                  
18501 38.3 48.0 40.1 34.0 27.9 21.6 15.6 10.2 5.9
18901 42.50 48.45 40.66 34.05 27.37 20.72 14.73 9.35 5.40
1900–19022 48.23 50.59 42.19 34.88 27.74 20.76 14.35 9.03 5.10
1909–19112 50.23 51.32 42.71 34.87 27.43 20.39 13.98 8.83 5.09
1919–19213 56.34 54.15 45.60 37.65 29.86 22.22 15.25 9.51 5.47
1929–1931 59.12 54.96 46.02 37.54 29.22 21.51 14.72 9.20 5.26
1939–1941 62.81 57.03 47.76 38.80 30.03 21.96 15.05 9.42 5.38
1949–1951 66.31 58.98 49.52 40.29 31.17 22.83 15.76 10.07 5.88
1959–19615 67.55 59.78 50.25 40.98 31.73 23.22 16.01 10.29 5.89
1969–19716 67.94 59.69 50.22 41.07 31.87 23.34 16.07 10.38 6.18
1979–1981 70.82 61.98 52.45 43.31 34.04 25.26 17.56 11.35 6.76
1990 72.7 63.5 54.0 44.7 35.6 26.7 18.7 12.1 7.1
1992 73.2 64.0 54.3 45.1 36.0 27.1 19.1 12.4 7.2
1993 73.1 63.8 54.2 44.9 35.9 27.0 18.9 12.3 7.1
1995 73.4 64.1 54.5 45.2 36.1 27.3 19.3 12.5 7.2
1997 74.3 65.0 55.3 45.9 36.7 27.7 19.6 12.7 7.4
1998 74.5 65.2 55.5 46.1 36.8 27.9 19.7 12.8 7.5
1999 74.6 65.3 55.6 46.2 36.9 28.0 19.8 12.9 7.5
2000 74.8 65.4 55.7 46.4 37.1 28.2 20.0 13.0 7.6
2001 75.0 65.6 56.0 46.6 37.3 28.4 20.2 13.2 7.7
2002 75.1 65.7 56.1 46.7 37.4 28.5 20.3 13.3 7.7
2003 75.3 66.0 56.3 46.9 37.6 28.8 20.6 13.5 8.0
20047 75.7 66.3 56.7 47.3 38.0 29.1 20.9 13.7 8.1
20117 76.3 66.9 57.2 47.9 38.6 29.6 21.5 14.3 8.2
White females                  
18501 40.5 47.2 40.2 35.4 29.8 23.5 17.0 11.3 6.4
18901 44.46 49.62 42.03 35.36 28.76 22.09 15.70 10.15 5.75
1900–19022 51.08 52.15 43.77 36.42 29.17 21.89 15.23 9.59 5.50
1909–19112 53.62 53.57 44.88 36.96 29.26 21.74 14.92 9.38 5.35
1919–19213 58.53 55.17 46.46 38.72 30.94 23.12 15.93 9.94 5.70
1929–1931 62.67 57.65 48.52 39.99 31.52 23.41 16.05 9.98 5.63
1939–1941 67.29 60.85 51.38 42.21 33.25 24.72 17.00 10.50 5.88
1949–1951 72.03 64.26 54.56 45.00 35.64 26.76 18.64 11.68 6.59
1959–19615 74.19 66.05 56.29 46.63 37.13 28.08 19.69 12.38 6.67
1969–19716 75.49 66.97 57.24 47.60 38.12 29.11 20.79 13.37 7.59
1979–1981 78.22 69.21 59.44 49.76 40.16 30.96 22.45 14.89 8.65
1990 79.4 70.1 60.3 50.6 41.0 31.6 23.0 15.4 9.0
1992 79.8 70.4 60.6 50.9 41.2 31.9 23.2 15.6 9.2
1993 79.5 70.1 60.3 50.6 41.0 31.7 23.0 15.3 8.9
1995 79.6 70.2 60.4 50.6 41.0 31.7 23.0 15.4 8.9
1997 79.9 70.5 60.7 50.9 41.3 32.0 23.2 15.5 9.1
1998 80.0 70.6 60.8 51.0 41.4 32.0 23.3 15.6 9.1
1999 79.9 70.5 60.6 50.9 41.3 31.9 23.2 15.5 9.0
2000 80.0 70.5 60.7 50.9 41.3 32.0 23.2 15.5 9.1
2001 80.2 70.8 60.9 51.2 41.6 32.3 23.5 15.7 9.3
2002 80.3 70.8 61.0 51.2 41.6 32.4 23.6 15.8 9.3
2003 80.5 71.0 61.2 51.5 41.9 32.6 23.8 16.0 9.6
20047 80.8 71.3 61.5 51.8 42.1 32.9 24.1 16.2 9.7
20117 81.1 71.6 61.8 52.0 42.5 33.2 24.5 16.5 9.7
All other males4                  
1900–19022 32.54 41.90 35.11 29.25 23.12 17.34 12.62 8.33 5.12
1909–19112 34.05 40.65 33.46 27.33 21.57 16.21 11.67 8.00 5.53
1919–19213 47.14 45.99 38.36 32.51 26.53 20.47 14.74 9.58 5.83
1929–1931 47.55 44.27 35.95 29.45 23.36 17.92 13.15 8.78 5.42
1939–1941 52.33 48.54 39.74 32.25 25.23 19.18 14.38 10.06 6.46
1949–1951 58.91 52.96 43.73 35.31 27.29 20.25 14.91 10.74 7.07
1959–19615 61.48 55.19 45.78 37.05 28.72 21.28 15.29 10.81 6.87
1969–19716 60.98 53.67 44.37 36.20 28.29 21.24 15.35 10.68 7.57
1979–1981 65.63 57.40 47.87 39.13 30.64 22.92 16.54 11.36 7.22
1990 67.0 58.5 49.0 40.3 31.9 23.9 17.0 11.4 7.0
1992 67.7 59.0 49.6 40.9 32.4 24.5 17.5 11.7 7.2
1993 67.3 58.6 49.2 40.6 32.2 24.3 17.3 11.5 6.9
1995 67.9 59.1 49.6 40.8 32.4 24.6 17.6 11.7 7.0
1997 69.8 60.9 51.4 42.5 33.7 25.5 18.3 12.4 7.9
1998 67.6 59.0 49.5 40.6 31.9 23.9 17.1 11.5 7.1
1999 67.8 59.2 49.6 40.7 31.9 24.0 17.2 11.6 7.2
2000 68.3 59.6 50.0 41.1 32.3 24.3 17.5 11.8 7.4
2001 68.6 59.8 50.3 41.4 32.5 24.4 17.5 11.7 7.3
2002 68.8 60.1 50.5 41.6 32.8 24.6 17.6 11.8 7.5
2003 69.0 60.3 50.7 41.8 32.9 24.8 17.9 12.1 7.9
20047 69.8 61.0 51.4 42.5 33.6 25.3 18.3 12.6 8.2
20117 72.1 63.2 53.6 44.5 35.5 26.8 19.3 13.1 7.9
All other females4                  
1900–19022 35.04 43.02 36.89 30.70 24.37 18.67 13.60 9.62 6.48
1909–19112 37.67 42.84 36.14 29.61 23.34 17.65 12.78 9.22 6.05
1919–19213 46.92 44.54 37.15 31.48 25.60 19.76 14.69 10.25 6.58
1929–1931 49.51 45.33 37.22 30.67 24.30 18.60 14.22 10.38 6.90
1939–1941 55.51 50.83 42.14 34.52 27.31 21.04 16.14 11.81 8.00
1949–1951 62.70 56.17 46.77 38.02 29.82 22.67 16.95 12.29 8.15
1959–19615 66.47 59.72 50.07 40.83 32.16 24.31 17.83 12.46 7.66
1969–19716 69.05 61.49 51.85 42.61 33.87 25.97 19.02 13.30 9.01
1979–1981 74.00 65.64 55.88 46.39 37.16 28.59 20.49 14.44 9.17
1990 75.2 66.6 56.8 47.3 38.1 29.2 21.3 14.5 8.8
1992 75.7 67.0 57.2 47.7 38.4 29.6 21.7 14.8 8.9
1993 75.5 66.7 56.9 47.4 38.2 29.5 21.4 14.5 8.7
1995 75.7 66.8 57.0 47.5 38.3 29.6 21.5 14.5 8.7
1997 76.7 67.8 58.0 48.4 39.1 30.3 22.1 15.1 9.4
1998 74.8 66.0 56.2 46.7 37.5 28.8 21.0 14.1 8.7
1999 74.7 66.0 56.2 46.6 37.4 28.7 20.9 14.0 8.6
2000 75.0 66.2 56.4 46.8 37.6 29.0 21.0 14.1 8.7
2001 75.5 66.6 56.8 47.2 38.0 29.3 21.5 14.7 9.2
2002 75.6 66.8 57.0 47.4 38.1 29.5 21.6 14.7 9.2
2003 76.1 67.2 57.4 47.8 38.6 29.9 22.1 15.3 9.8
20047 76.5 67.6 57.8 48.2 38.9 30.2 22.3 15.4 9.7
20117 78.2 69.1 59.3 49.6 40.2 31.3 23.2 15.8 9.6
1. Massachusetts only; white and nonwhite combined, the latter being about 1% of the total.
Source: U.S. Dept. of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, Historical Statistics of the United States.
2. Original Death Registration States.
3. Death Registration States of 1920.
4. Data for periods 1900–1902, 1929–1931, 1998, 1999, 2000–2000, 2011 relate to blacks only.
5. Alaska and Hawaii included beginning in 1959.
6. Deaths of nonresidents of the United States excluded starting in 1970.
7. Preliminary data.
Sources: Department of Health and Human Services, National Center for Health Statistics, /ipa/0/0/0/5/1/4/Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; National Vital Statistics Reports, Web: ;




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