U.S. Coast Guard Academy

The U.S. Coast Guard Academy in New London, Conn., was founded in 1876. It is the only one of the four armed forces service academies that offers appointments based solely on the basis of an annual nationwide competition, with no congressional appointments or geographical quotas.
Competition is open to all unmarried U.S. citizens with no dependents who have reached their 17th but not their 22nd birthday by July 1 of the entering year. There is no fee to apply, but candidates who are offered and accept an appointment to the academy must pay an entrance fee of $3,000.
Cadets receive a full scholarship including room and board. In addition, they receive a monthly allowance of approximately $600 to cover the costs of uniforms, textbooks, a new laptop, and other expenses. Upon graduation, there is a five-year commitment to serve as a commissioned Coast Guard officer, the first two years of which are on a Coast Guard cutter.
A viewbook or video can be obtained by writing to Director of Admissions, U.S. Coast Guard Academy, 31 Mohegan Avenue, New London, Conn. 06320, or by calling 1-800-883-8724 or 860-444-8500.