The Legislative Branch

Read current and historical biographies of every U.S. congressional member. Find information on minorities in Congress, U.S. Senate salaries since 1789, veto rates, government agencies, impeachment facts, and much more.
Members and Committees
Composition of the 117th Congress
117th Congress: The House of Representatives
Composition of the 115th Congress
Senate Standing Committees, 115th Congress
115th Congress: The House of Representatives
House Standing Committees, 115th Congress
Composition of the 114th Congress
Senate Standing Committees, 114th Congress
114th Congress: The House of Representatives
House Standing Committees, 114th Congress
Composition of the 113th Congress
Senate Standing Committees, 113th Congress
113th Congress: The House of Representatives
House Standing Committees, 113th Congress
Composition of the 112th Congress
112th Congress: The House of Representatives
Diversity in Government
Voting Rights After Shelby v Holder
African Americans in the 115th Congress
African Americans in the 114th Congress
African Americans in the 113th Congress
African Americans in the 112th Congress
Asian/Pacific-Islanders in the 115th Congress
Asian/Pacific-Islanders in the 114th Congress
Asian/Pacific-Islanders in the 113th Congress
Asian/Pacific-Islanders in the 112th Congress
Hispanics in the 115th Congress
Hispanics in the 114th Congress
Hispanics in the 113th Congress
History and Statistics
Presidential Vetoes, 1789-2015
Presidents Going to War Without Congress
Executive Departments and Agencies
Order of Presidential Succession
Federal Bureau of Investigation Directors
Central Intelligence Agency Directors
Impeachments of Federal Officials
Speakers of the House of Representatives
Democratic National Committee Chairs Since 1944
Republican National Committee Chairs Since 1944
Composition of Congress, by Political Party, 1855-2013
The Governors of the Fifty States
Timeline: U.S. Government Shutdowns
Hagel Nomination Is Filibustered
History of the Tea Party Movement
Major Congressional Bills Passed in 2005
Congressional Apportionment, 2000
History and Government |