Summary of Independent Counsel Investigations
Updated August 5, 2020 |
Infoplease Staff

The following table outlines independent counsel investigations from the Carter administration through the Clinton administration. Included is the target, charges, result, and cost of each investigation. These investigations were conducted under the auspices of the Office of the Independent Counsel, established by the Independent Counsel Act of 1978. The Act expired in 1999 and was not renewed.
Target | Administration | Charge | Time spent | Cost | Result |
Hamilton Jordan | Carter | cocaine use | no indictments | ||
Tim Kraft | Carter | cocaine use | no indictments | ||
Raymond J. Donovan | Reagan | mob ties | no indictments | ||
Atty. Genl. Edwin Meese 3rd | Reagan | financial improprieties | no indictments | ||
Michael Deaver | Reagan | perjury; lied about lobbying efforts after leaving office | convicted | ||
Asst. Atty. Genl. Theodore Olsen | Reagan | deception regarding documents withheld from Congress | 30 months | $1.5 million | no indictments |
Iran-Contra | Reagan/Bush | illegal sale of arms to Iran, profits directed to Nicaraguan rebels in violation of the Boland Amendment | 6 years | $48 million | 14 indictments, 11 convictions (2 overturned on appeal) |
Lyn Nofziger | Reagan | violations of lobbying ethics law | 14 months | $3 million | convicted (overturned on appeal) |
Edwin Meese 3rd | Reagan | alleged involvement in collapse of military contractor Wedtech | no indictments | ||
W. Lawrence Wallace | Reagan | financial improprieties | no indictments | ||
2 Bush officials | Bush | information pertaining to these investigations sealed by court order | no action taken | ||
HUD, 1983-1989 | Bush | sale of favors, cover-up | 9 years | est. $8 million* | several indictments and convictions |
Bush campaign | Bush | invasion of privacy of Bill Clinton | 3 years | $2.2 million | no indictments |
Bill Clinton | Clinton | Whitewater land deal | 6 years | $52 million | disbarred; indicted, impeached and acquitted on perjury/obstruction justice; 33 other people convicted |
Mike Espy | Clinton | sale of favors, cover-up | 4 years | $17 million | charges filed, acquitted |
HUD/Henry Cisneros | Clinton | lying to FBI about payments to mistress | 4 years | $9 million | pleads guilty to misdemeanor, felony charges dropped |
Ron Brown | Clinton | personal finances | 1 year | $3 million | investigation ended when Brown was killed in a plane crash |
Eli Segal | Clinton | conflict of interest in fund raising | 9 months | $245,000 | no indictments |
Bruce Babbitt | Clinton | improprieties regarding Indian casino license | 2 years | no indictments | |
Alexis Herman | Clinton | influence peddling | 2 years | $3 million | cleared; one other person indicted |
Henry Cisneros | Clinton | tax violations | 10+ years | $22 million | no indictments |
See also: