Mike Huckabee: Campaign Issues

Updated August 5, 2020 | Infoplease Staff

Where he stands

Mike Huckabee

Mike Huckabee

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  • As governor of Arkansas, Huckabee cut the state's capital gains tax, abolished the marriage penalty and pushed the legislature to pass a $90 million tax cut
  • Known for his fiscally conservative policies
  • Cut taxes 90 times during his term as Arkansas' governor
  • Stresses the importance of lessening the tax burden on the working class in order to spur economic growth


  • Believes that illegal immigrant kids should be allowed to attend college despite their parents' crime; punish people who break the law, but not their children
  • Believes we are a better country if we allow scholarships for illegals
  • Would build a border fence within 18 months of taking office and use American labor and materials
  • Pathway to citizenship must start out of the U.S., but would work to make legal immigration quick


  • Passed smoke-free workplace across all Arkansas in 2006
  • Believes hunters are some of our most dedicated environmentalists
  • Follows Boy Scout rule: leave earth better than we found it
  • Believes Ethanol mandate is a matter of national security

Foreign Policy

  • Believes Islamic terrorism is the most pressing issue for the U.S.
  • Has said lifting the Cuban embargo rewards Cuba
  • Concerned about Russia and Putin's human rights violations
  • Won't pressure Israel to give up land for promise of peace
  • Doesn't believe it is our country's job to export our form of government

Domestic Issues

  • Strongly opposes same-sex marriage
  • Believes homosexuality is a sin the same as heterosexual lust
  • Strongly opposes abortion, instituting "Choose Life" licenses plates in Arkansas while Governor
—Jennie Wood
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