Election Haiku & Limerick Contest

Send us your best poetry about the neverending presidential race
Readers' Poetry: All of the lies that I'm crafting Overshadow the laws that I'm drafting. But in 2001 When my two terms are done I'll be free to go whitewater rafting. - Keith Gilman Unjust denouement! O.J. is to innocent as Bush to victor. - Bob Ulrich Lititz, PA Dangling bits of chad. Who did you vote for? Bush? Gore? Perhaps Buchanan - Scott and Roberta Freese Tallahassee, FL Guessing the intent. Laws made before are now bent. Calling in attorneys, Making Al look wormy. Gore is stale and spent! The campaigns have begun you will find But how can we make a choice of this kind The possibility's endless One's feckless, one's friendless The words "rock" and "hard place" come to mind Gore walk like a man Crying time is done. You lose Talk the talk go home chad inspection week hanging, pregnant, swinging door shotgun wedding looms Butterfly ballots Voters' wishes fly away Into Jeb Trashcans Seeking surplus to spend His tax cut Bush tries to defend. I'm getting quite bent At that top one percent They'll get all the cash in the end. It's Dubya's turn at the bat. His supporters are scared he'll fall flat. His grammar is criminal He can't say subliminal He'd be better off as prez of his frat. We complain about Our choices in the voting Cherish the freedom politicians lie shaking hands and stabbing backs I refuse to vote Poetry Definitionshai·ku (hI' kOO) Random House Websters College Dictionary Copyright © 1997 |
Now that the teams of Al Gore and George W. Bush have shifted the focus of the presidential race from the recounts to the courts, tell us what you think—write a haiku or limerick!
How Do I Enter?
E-mail your election poetry by using the form below. We'll pick the best and post them on our site.
If you'd like to include your name or a pseudonym, fill in the field. Then click the "submit" button when you're done.
Inspiration From Our Editors:
Gore drives on the left Bush stays mainly to the right Pull over I’m sick |
With Bill and John out the door We're left with George Bush and Al Gore It might get a bit messy But wait—is that Jesse Ventura in two thousand four? |
Tormenting conflict painful horrid decision Must pick Bush or Gore? |
Wooden and stiff Al Invented the internet? Who is he kidding |
These candidates are getting pretty stale, Unfortunately one will prevail, While one seems too stiff, And the other likes to sniff, On the bright side, at least there's no Quayle. |
He’s the brand new Bush who’s younger and bigger His Dad may have been old, but he’s full of vigor He’ll cut taxes a ton And let you keep your gun But a "compassionate conservative" — how do you figure? |
Prochoice and aid for the poor You're a liberal down to your core Your politics are great But your persona's too sedate I'm afraid Mr. Gore you're a bore |
Choosing Bush or Gore Do I want right or far right Nothing Left to choose |
His name is George W. Bush They've raised millions to give him a push but frat boy allegations have caused hesitation and he could land flat on his toosh |
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