- 1. Western, horse opera, feature, feature film
- usage: a film about life in the western United States during the period of exploration and development
- 2. western, western sandwich, sandwich
- usage: a sandwich made from a western omelet
- 1. western (vs. eastern), occidental, Hesperian
- usage: relating to or characteristic of the western parts of the world or the West as opposed to the eastern or oriental parts; "the Western world"; "Western thought"; "Western thought"
- 2. western (vs. eastern), southwestern, midwestern, northwestern, west-central
- usage: of or characteristic of regions of the United States west of the Mississippi River; "a Western ranch"
- 3. western, west (vs. east)
- usage: lying toward or situated in the west; "our company's western office"
- 4. westerly, western, west (vs. east)
- usage: of wind; from the west
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