- 1. omen, portent, presage, prognostic, prognostication, prodigy, augury, sign, foretoken, preindication
- usage: a sign of something about to happen; "he looked for an omen before going into battle"
- 1. omen, portent, presage, prognostic, prognostication, prodigy, augury, sign, foretoken, preindication
- usage: a strategically located monarchy on the southern and eastern coasts of the Arabian Peninsula; the economy is dominated by oil
- 1. bode, portend, auspicate, prognosticate, omen, presage, betoken, foreshadow, augur, foretell, prefigure, forecast, predict, bespeak, betoken, indicate, point, signal
- usage: indicate by signs; "These signs bode bad news"
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