- 1. glower, glare, stare
- usage: look at with a fixed gaze; "The girl glared at the man who tried to make a pass at her"
- 2. glare, reflect, shine
- usage: be sharply reflected; "The moon glared back at itself from the lake's surface"
- 3. glare, shine, beam
- usage: shine intensely; "The sun glared down on us"
- 1. blazing, blinding, dazzling, fulgent, glaring, glary, bright (vs. dull)
- usage: shining intensely; "the blazing sun"; "blinding headlights"; "dazzling snow"; "fulgent patterns of sunlight"; "the glaring sun"
- 2. crying(prenominal), egregious, flagrant, glaring, gross, rank, conspicuous (vs. inconspicuous)
- usage: conspicuously and outrageously bad or reprehensible; "a crying shame"; "an egregious lie"; "flagrant violation of human rights"; "a glaring error"; "gross ineptitude"; "gross injustice"; "rank treachery"
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