- 1. chafe, tenderness, soreness, rawness
- usage: soreness and warmth caused by friction; "he had a nasty chafe on his knee"
- 2. annoyance, chafe, vexation, anger, choler, ire
- usage: anger produced by some annoying irritation
- 1. chafe, gall, fret, irritate
- usage: become or make sore by or as if by rubbing
- 2. chafe, feel, experience
- usage: feel extreme irritation or anger; "He was chafing at her suggestion that he stay at home while she went on a vacation"
- 3. annoy, rag, get to, bother, get at, irritate, rile, nark, nettle, gravel, vex, chafe, devil, displease
- usage: cause annoyance in; disturb, especially by minor irritations; "Mosquitoes buzzing in my ear really bothers me"; "It irritates me that she never closes the door after she leaves"
- 4. chafe, excoriate, abrade, corrade, abrase, rub down, rub off
- usage: tear or wear off the skin or make sore by abrading; "This leash chafes the dog's neck"
- 5. rub, fray, fret, chafe, scratch, touch, adjoin, meet, contact
- usage: cause friction; "my sweater scratches"
- 6. chafe, warm
- usage: warm by rubbing, as with the hands
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