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Missouri, state, United States

(Encyclopedia) CE5 MissouriMissourimĭz&oobreve;rˈē, –ə [key], one of the midwestern states of the United States. It is bordered by Illinois, Kentucky, and Tennessee, across the Mississippi…

Missouri, river, United States

(Encyclopedia) Missouri, river, c.2,565 mi (4,130 km) long (including its Jefferson-Beaverhead-Red Rock headstream), the longest river of the United States and the principal tributary of the…

Missouri, University of

(Encyclopedia) Missouri, University of, at Columbia (main campus), Rolla, Kansas City, and St. Louis; land-grant and state supported; coeducational; chartered 1839, opened 1841. It is the oldest…

Missouri Compromise

(Encyclopedia) Missouri Compromise, 1820–21, measures passed by the U.S. Congress to end the first of a series of crises concerning the extension of slavery. By 1818, Missouri Territory had gained…

Missouri River basin project

(Encyclopedia) Missouri River basin project, comprehensive plan authorized in 1944 for the coordinated development of water resources of the Missouri River and its tributaries, draining an area of c.…


(Encyclopedia) mist: see fog.

Mistassini, Lake

(Encyclopedia) Mistassini, Lake, c.840 sq mi (2,180 sq km), S Que., Canada, NW of Lake St. John, in sparsely settled country. It drains W to James Bay by way of the Rupert River (380 mi/612 km long).

Misti, El

(Encyclopedia) Misti, ElMisti, Elĕl mēˈstē [key], dormant volcano, c.19,150 ft (5,840 m) high, in the Cordillera Occidental, S Peru, rising over the city of Arequipa. El Misti is flanked by two other…


(Encyclopedia) mistletoe, common name for the Loranthaceae, a family of chiefly tropical hemiparasitic herbs and shrubs with leathery evergreen leaves and waxy white berries. They have green leaves,…

Mistral, Frédéric

(Encyclopedia) Mistral, FrédéricMistral, Frédéricfrādārēkˈ mēsträlˈ [key], 1830–1914, French Provençal poet. With Théodore Aubanel he was one of the seven founders (1854) of the Félibrige, an…