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miracle play

(Encyclopedia) miracle play or mystery play, form of medieval drama that came from dramatization of the liturgy of the Roman Catholic Church. It developed from the 10th to the 16th cent., reaching…


(Encyclopedia) miragemiragemĭräzhˈ [key], atmospheric optical illusion in which an observer sees in the distance a nonexistent body of water or an image, sometimes distorted, of some object or of a…


(Encyclopedia) AthabascaAthabascaăthəbăsˈkə [key], river, 765 mi (1,231 km) long, rising in the Columbia snowfield of the Canadian Rockies near the Alta.–British Columbia line and flowing N through…


(Encyclopedia) MiramarMiramarmĭrˈəmärˌ [key], city (1990 pop. 40,663), Broward co., SE Fla.; inc. 1955. It is a residential community in the rapidly growing I-75 corridor between Miami and Fort…


(Encyclopedia) MiramichiMiramichimĭrəmĭshēˈ [key], river, c.135 mi (220 km) long, rising in several forks and tributaries in central N.B. and flowing E past Newcastle into the Gulf of St. Lawrence at…

Miranda, Francisco de

(Encyclopedia) Miranda, Francisco deMiranda, Francisco defränsēˈskō ᵺā mēränˈdä [key], 1750–1816, Venezuelan revolutionist and adventurer. A hero of the struggle for independence from Spain, he is…


(Encyclopedia) Miranda, in astronomy, one of the moons, or natural satellites, of Uranus.

Miranda v. Arizona

(Encyclopedia) Miranda v. Arizona, U.S. Supreme Court case (1966) in the area of due process of law (see Fourteenth Amendment). The decision reversed an Arizona court's conviction of Ernesto Miranda…


(Encyclopedia) MiriamMiriammĭrˈēəm [key], in the Bible. 1 Sister of Moses and Aaron. After the crossing of the Sea of Reeds, she led the women in the song of Miriam. Later she sided with Aaron…