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Displaying 361 - 370

Comstock, Anthony

(Encyclopedia) Comstock, AnthonyComstock, Anthonykŏmˈstŏk [key], 1844–1915, American morals crusader, b. New Canaan, Conn. He served with the Union army in the Civil War and was later active as an…

Comstock Lode

(Encyclopedia) Comstock Lode, richest known U.S. silver deposit, W Nevada, on Mt. Davidson in the Virginia Range. It is said to have been discovered in 1857 by Ethan Allen Grosh and Hosea Ballou…

Comtat Venaissin

(Encyclopedia) Comtat VenaissinComtat VenaissinkəNtäˈ vənäsăNˈ [key] or Comtat, region of SE France, Vaucluse dept., comprising the territory around Avignon. Well-irrigated, it is a truck-farming and…

Comte, Auguste

(Encyclopedia) Comte, AugusteComte, Augusteōgüstˈ kôNt [key], 1798–1857, French philosopher, founder of the school of philosophy known as positivism, educated in Paris. From 1818 to 1824 he…


(Encyclopedia) comuneroscomuneroskōm&oomacr;nāˈrōs [key], in Spain and Spanish America, citizens of a city or cities when organized to defend their rights against arbitrary encroachment of…


(Encyclopedia) ComusComuskōˈməs [key], in late Roman legend, god of mirth and revelry. A follower of Dionysus, he was represented as a drunken youth bearing a torch. In Milton's poetic masque, Comus…

Conable, Barber Benjamin, Jr.

(Encyclopedia) Conable, Barber Benjamin, Jr., 1922–2003, American politician, b. Warsaw, N.Y., grad. Cornell Law School, 1948. He served in the U.S. Marine Corps during World War II and the Korean…