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compact disc

(Encyclopedia) compact disc (CD), a small plastic disc used for the storage of digital data. As originally developed for audio systems, the sound signal is sampled at a rate of 44,100 times a second…

Companys, Lluís

(Encyclopedia) Companys, LluísCompanys, Lluísly&oomacr;ēsˈ kŏmpäˈnēs [key], 1883–1940, Spanish politician; Catalan nationalist leader. In 1933 he was elected president of autonomous Catalonia to…


(Encyclopedia) Albi Albi älbēˈ [key], town, capital of Tarn dept., S France, in Languedoc, on the Tarn River. A commercial center, its has glassworks and food-processing,…

Compaoré, Blaise

(Encyclopedia) Compaoré, BlaiseCompaoré, Blaiseblāz cŏmpôrˈrā [key], 1951–, Burkinabe military and political leader, president of Burkina Faso (1987–2014), b. Ouagadougou. An army captain and…


(Encyclopedia) compass. 1 In mathematics, an instrument for making circles and measuring distances. Frequently called a pair of compasses, it consists of two metal legs with one end of each attached…

compass plant

(Encyclopedia) compass plant or rosinweed, large, coarse North American perennial herb (Silphium laciniatum) of the family Asteraceae (aster family), found chiefly in open grasslands. The deeply cut…