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Auerbach, Berthold

(Encyclopedia) Auerbach, BertholdAuerbach, Bertholdbĕrtˈhōlt ouˈərbäkhˌ [key], 1812–82, German novelist. He fought in the Revolution of 1848 and in the Franco-Prussian War. As a result of his…


(Encyclopedia) myoglobinmyoglobinmīˌəglōˈbĭn [key], protein molecule isolated from the cells of vertebrate skeletal muscle that is both a structural and functional relative of hemoglobin, the oxygen-…


(Encyclopedia) myopia: see nearsightedness.


(Encyclopedia) myosinmyosinmīˈəsĭn [key], one of the two major protein constituents responsible for contraction of muscle. In muscle cells myosin is arranged in long filaments called thick filaments…


(Encyclopedia) MyraMyramīˈrə [key], ancient city and seaport of Lycia, S Asia Minor (now S Turkey). The Acts of the Apostles reports that the city was visited by Paul. According to tradition, it was…

Myrdal, Alva

(Encyclopedia) Myrdal, AlvaMyrdal, Alvaälˈvä mĭrˈdäl, Swed. mürˈdäl [key], 1902–86, Swedish sociologist, diplomat, and political leader. As a sociologist in the 1930s, she initiated a national…

Myrdal, Gunnar

(Encyclopedia) Myrdal, GunnarMyrdal, Gunnargŭnˈär [key]Myrdal, Gunnar mĭrˈdäl, Swed. mürˈdäl [key], 1898–1987, Swedish economist, sociologist, and public official; husband of Alva Myrdal. A graduate…


(Encyclopedia) myrobalan, name for the cherry plum and also for several Asian almond trees.


(Encyclopedia) MyronMyronmīˈrən [key], fl. 5th cent. b.c., Greek sculptor. He is supposed to have been a pupil of Ageladas of Argos, but he worked largely in Athens. Sculpting in bronze, he was noted…