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Comines, Philippe de

(Encyclopedia) Comines, Philippe deComines, Philippe defēlēpˈ də kōmēnˈ [key], c.1447–c.1511, French historian, courtier, and diplomat. In 1472 he left the service of Charles the Bold of Burgundy to…


(Encyclopedia) CominformCominformkŏmˈĭnfôrm [key] [acronym for Communist Information Bureau], information agency organized in 1947 and dissolved in 1956. Its members were the Communist parties of…


(Encyclopedia) CominternCominternkəmĭntārnˈ [key] [acronym for Communist International], name given to the Third International, founded at Moscow in 1919. Vladimir Ilyich Lenin feared a resurgence of…


(Encyclopedia) comma: see punctuation.


(Encyclopedia) Commack Commack kōˈmăk [key], uninc. town (2020 pop. 36,953), Suffolk co., SE N.Y., on central…

Albert Nyanza

(Encyclopedia) Albert Nyanza, E Africa: see Albert, Lake.


(Encyclopedia) CommageneCommagenekŏməjēˈnē [key], ancient district of N Syria, on the Euphrates River and S of the Taurus range, now in SE Asian Turkey. Its metropolis, Samosata, was founded by Samos…

Commager, Henry Steele

(Encyclopedia) Commager, Henry SteeleCommager, Henry Steelekŏmˈĭjər [key], 1902–98, American historian, b. Pittsburgh, Pa. He received his Ph.D. from the Univ. of Chicago in 1928 and taught history…