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(Encyclopedia) Radford, city (1990 pop. 15,940), surrounded by but independent of Pulaski and Montgomery counties, SW Va., on the New River; settled 1756, inc. as a city 1892. Motors, iron castings,…

Radhakrishnan, Sarvepalli

(Encyclopedia) Radhakrishnan, SarvepalliRadhakrishnan, Sarvepallisŭrˌvəpŭlˈlē räˈdəkrĭshˌən [key], 1888–1975, Indian philosopher, president of India (1962–67). The main part of his life was spent as…

radial velocity

(Encyclopedia) radial velocity, in astronomy, the speed with which a star moves toward or away from the sun. It is determined from the red or blue shift in the star's spectrum.


(Encyclopedia) radiant: see meteor shower.


(Encyclopedia) radiationradiationrāˌdēāˈshən [key], term applied to the emission and transmission of energy through space or through a material medium and also to the radiated energy itself. In its…

radiation sickness

(Encyclopedia) radiation sickness, harmful effect produced on body tissues by exposure to radioactive substances. The biological action of radiation is not fully understood, but it is believed that a…

Balladur, Édouard

(Encyclopedia) Balladur, ÉdouardBalladur, Édouardādwärˈ bälädürˈ [key], 1929–, French political leader, b. Turkey. He moved to France as a child and grew up in Marseille. A Gaullist and member of the…


(Encyclopedia) acting, the representation of a usually fictional character on stage or in films. At its highest levels of accomplishment acting involves the employment of technique and/or…