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Constantius I

(Encyclopedia) Constantius I (Constantius Chlorus)Constantius Ikənstănˈshəs [key], c.250–306, Roman emperor (305–6). A career general, he gave up Helena to marry Theodora, the daughter of Maximian.…

Constantius II

(Encyclopedia) Constantius II, 317–61, Roman emperor, son of Constantine I. When the empire was divided (337) at the death of Constantine, Constantius II was given rule over Asia Minor, Syria, and…

Alcalá de Henares

(Encyclopedia) Alcalá de Henares Alcalá de Henares älkäläˈ dā ānäˈrās [key], town, Madrid prov., central Spain, on the Henares River. Chemicals, plastics, electrical…

Constantius III

(Encyclopedia) Constantius III, d. 421, Roman emperor of the West (421). In 411, as general of Honorius, he defeated Gerontius and Constantine; thereafter he was the virtual ruler of the West.…

Constellation, ship

(Encyclopedia) ConstellationConstellationkŏnstĭlāˈshən [key], U.S. frigate, launched in 1797. It was named by President Washington for the constellation of 15 stars in the U.S. flag of that time. The…

constellation, in astronomy

(Encyclopedia) CE5 Constellations: Southern sky CE5 Constellations: Southern sky CE5 Constellations: Southern sky constellation, in common usage, group of stars that appear to form a…

Constellations (table)

(Encyclopedia) Constellations Constellation English name Position R.A. (hours) DEC. (degrees) Andromeda Andromeda (Chained Lady) 1 +43 Antlia Air Pump 10 −33 Apus Bird of Paradise 16 −75…


(Encyclopedia) constipation, infrequent or difficult passage of feces. Constipation may be caused by the lack of adequate roughage or fluid in the diet, prolonged physical inactivity, certain drugs,…

Constitution, ship

(Encyclopedia) Constitution, U.S. 44-gun frigate, nicknamed Old Ironsides. It is perhaps the most famous vessel in the history of the U.S. navy. Authorized by Congress in 1794, the ship was launched…

constitution, principles of government

(Encyclopedia) constitution, fundamental principles of government in a nation, either implied in its laws, institutions, and customs, or embodied in one fundamental document or in several. In the…