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Mutharika, Bingu wa

(Encyclopedia) Mutharika, Bingu waMutharika, Bingu wabēngˈg&oomacr; wä m&oomacr;täˈrēkä [key], 1934–2012, Malawian economist and political leader, b. Nyasaland (now Malawi) as Brightson…

Mutharika, Peter

(Encyclopedia) Mutharika, Peter (Arthur Peter Mutharika)Mutharika, Peterm&oomacr;täˈrēkä [key], 1940–, Malawian lawyer and political leader, LL.B. London Univ., 1965, J.S.D. Yale, 1969; brother…

Muti, Riccardo

(Encyclopedia) Muti, RiccardoMuti, Riccardorēk-kärˈdō m&oomacr;ˈtē [key], 1941–, Italian conductor. Principal conductor of the Maggio Musicale (1969–81) in Florence and of the Philharmonia…


(Encyclopedia) mutiny, concerted disobedient or seditious action by persons in military or naval service, or by sailors on commercial vessels. Mutiny may range from a combined refusal to obey orders…

Mutis, José Celestino

(Encyclopedia) Mutis, José CelestinoMutis, José Celestinohōsāˈ thālĕstēˈnō m&oomacr;ˈtēs [key], 1732–1808, Spanish naturalist and plant explorer. One of Linnaeus' first disciples in Spain, he…


(Encyclopedia) Mutsuhito: see Meiji.

Audubon Society, National

(Encyclopedia) Audubon Society, National, one of the oldest and best-known U.S. environmental organizations; founded 1886 by George Cird Grinnell and named for John James Audubon. The nonprofit…


(Encyclopedia) mutton, flesh of mature sheep prepared as food (as opposed to the flesh of young sheep, which is known as lamb). Mutton is deep red with firm, white fat. In Middle Eastern countries it…


(Encyclopedia) Muttra, India: see Mathura.