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Mustafa I

(Encyclopedia) Mustafa IMustafa Im&oobreve;stäfäˈ [key], 1591–1639?, Ottoman sultan (1617–18, 1622–23), brother and successor of Ahmed I to the throne of the Ottoman Empire (Turkey). Set aside…

Mustafa II

(Encyclopedia) Mustafa II, 1664–1703, Ottoman sultan (1695–1703), nephew and successor of Ahmed II. The grand vizier (chief executive officer) of the Ottoman Empire (Turkey), Husayn Köprülü,…

Mustafa III

(Encyclopedia) Mustafa III, 1717–73, Ottoman sultan (1757–73), son of Ahmed III. He succeeded his cousin Osman III to the throne of the Ottoman Empire (Turkey). The chief event of his reign was the…

Mustafa IV

(Encyclopedia) Mustafa IV, 1778–1808, Ottoman sultan (1807–8), son of Abd al-Hamid I. He was raised to the throne by the reactionary Janissaries who had deposed Mustafa's cousin, Selim III, because…

Audubon, John James

(Encyclopedia) Audubon, John JamesAudubon, John Jamesôˈdəbŏn [key], 1785–1851, American ornithologist, b. Les Cayes, Santo Domingo (now Haiti). The illegitimate son of a French sea captain and…


(Encyclopedia) Mustafa or Kara MustafaKara Mustafakäräˈ [key]Kara Mustafa m&oobreve;stäfäˈ [key] [Turk. kara=black], d. 1683, Turkish grand vizier (chief executive officer) under Sultan Muhammad…


(Encyclopedia) mustang [Sp. mesteño=a stray], small feral horse of the W United States. Mustangs are descended from escaped Native American horses, which in turn were descended from horses of North…


(Encyclopedia) Mustapha. For persons thus named, use Mustafa.