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HurdlesEvent Time Date Set Location110 meters: World 12.91Colin Jackson, Great Britain Aug. 20, 1993 Stuttgart Olympic 12.95Allen Johnson, USAJuly 29, 1996Atlanta American 12.92Roger…

4x400-meter Relay

4x400-meter RelayYear Time 1972 East Germany 3:23.0WR1976 East Germany 3:19.23 WR1980 Soviet Union 3:20.2 1984 United States 3:18.29 OR1988 Soviet Union 3:15.18 WR1992 Unified Team 3:20.20…

New Impressions

New ImpressionsAt three o'clock in the afternoon, all the fashionable world at Nice may be seen on the Promenade des Anglais—a charming place, for the wide walk, bordered with palms, flowers…

John: 5

John Chapter 5 1 After this there was a feast of the Jews; and Jesus went up to Jerusalem. 2 Now there is at Jerusalem by the sheep market a pool, which is called in the Hebrew tongue Bethesda,…

Pitching Perfection

Yankees' David Cone achieves a flawless game by Mike Morrison On Sunday, July 18, New York Yankees pitcher David Cone accomplished one of the rarest feats in sports - the perfect game. Cone was…

Walt Whitman: From Noon to Starry Night

From Noon to Starry NightThou Orb Aloft Full-DazzlingFacesThe Mystic TrumpeterTo a Locomotive in WinterO Magnet-SouthMannahattaAll Is TruthA Riddle SongExcelsiorAh Poverties, Wincings, and…