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Displaying 221 - 230

Aesop's Fables: The Crab and His Mother

by Aesop The Boasting TravellerThe Ass and His ShadowThe Crab and His Mother An Old Crab said to her son, "Why do you walk sideways like that, my son? You ought to walk straight." The…

Joe Morgan

Joe MorganBorn: Sept. 19, 1943Baseball 2B led NL in walks 4 times; regular-season MVP both years he led Cincinnati to World Series titles (1975-76); 5th behind Rickey Henderson, Babe Ruth,…

Princess Diana Remembered

Walkway, children's playground honor Princess Diana by David Johnson   A plaque marking the Princess Diana Memorial Walk in London's Kensington Gardens in June 2000, after the walk was…

The Journals of Lewis & Clark: April 27, 1805

by Meriwether Lewis and William Clark April 26, 1805April 28, 1805April 27, 1805 Saturday April 27th 1805. Previous to our seting out this morning I made the following observations.…