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Brewer's: Ticket

That's the ticket or That's the ticket for soup. That's the right thing. The ticket to be shown in order to obtain something. Some think that the word “ticket” in this phrase is a…

Brewer's: Tyburn Ticket

Under a statute of William III. prosecutors who had secured a capital conviction against a criminal were exempted from all parish and ward offices within the parish in which the felony had…

Brewer's: That's the Ticket

That's the right thing to do; generally supposed to be a corruption of “That's the etiquette,” or proper mode of procedure, according to the programme; but the expanded phrase “That's the…

Brewer's: Ticket of Leave

(A). A warrant given to convicts to have their liberty on condition of good behaviour. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894Tickle the PublicTicket A B C D E…

Hendricks, Thomas Andrews

(Encyclopedia) Hendricks, Thomas Andrews, 1819–85, Vice President of the United States (1885), b. near Zanesville, Ohio. As U.S. Senator from Indiana (1863–69) he opposed radical Reconstruction. He…

Wheeler, Burton Kendall

(Encyclopedia) Wheeler, Burton Kendall, 1882–1975, U.S. senator (1923–47), b. Hudson, Mass. He practiced law in Butte, Mont. Wheeler was (1911–13) a member of the state legislature and was appointed…

Eagleton, Thomas Francis

(Encyclopedia) Eagleton, Thomas Francis, 1929–2007, U.S. senator (1968–87), b. St. Louis, Mo. Admitted to the bar in 1953, he entered Democratic politics in Missouri and served as circuit attorney…

Hobart, Garret Augustus

(Encyclopedia) Hobart, Garret AugustusHobart, Garret Augustushōˈbärt, –bərt [key], 1844–99, Vice President of the United States (1897–99), b. Long Branch, N.J. A lawyer and businessman, he was…

Marshall, Thomas Riley

(Encyclopedia) Marshall, Thomas Riley, 1854–1925, U.S. Vice President (1913–21), b. North Manchester, Ind. A lawyer in Columbia City, Ind., he was Democratic governor of the state (1909–13) and…

Johnson, Hiram Warren

(Encyclopedia) Johnson, Hiram Warren, 1866–1945, American political leader, U.S. Senator from California (1917–45), b. Sacramento, Calif. His role as attorney in the successful prosecution of Abe…