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Mattress Sizes

The Question: What are the dimensions of a king-size mattress? The Answer: There are no standards in the mattress industry but the sizes below…

Brewer's: Sizings

The quota of food allowed at breakfast, and also food “sized for” at dinner. At Cambridge, the students are allowed meat for dinner, but tart, jelly, ale, etc., are obtained only by paying…

Congressional District Size

Source: U.S. Census Bureau Apportionment is the process of dividing the 435 seats in the House of Representatives among the 50 states. The number of seats, or representatives, each state is entitled…

Brewer's: Heroic Size

in sculpture denotes a stature superior to ordinary life, but not colossal. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894Heroic VerseHeroic Medicines A B C D E F G…

Shoe-Size Conversions

The Question: I wear a US size 9 1/2 narrow shoe; am in Italy and the sizes are different; what is the conversion, please? The Answer: Here is…

The Size of El Salvador

The Question: El Salvador is most closely equivalent in size to what U.S. state? The Answer: El Salvador has a total area of 21,040 sq…

The Size of the Sun and Earth

The Question: What is the size difference between the Sun and Earth? The Answer: The difference is huge. The Sun is by far the largest…

U.S. Home Size

The Question: What is the average home size in the U.S.? The Answer: According to the National Association of Home Builders, the average home…

Super-sized Americans

Many Americans eat too much and don’t exercise enough. If you have a hard time believing that, look around. About 16% of kids ages 12 to 19 are obese and 30% are overweight. As for adults, 31% are…

Theories of the Universe: Size in the Microcosm

Size in the MicrocosmTheories of the UniverseForces, Particles, and Some Cosmological GlueSize in the MicrocosmThe Forces You Already KnowThe Particle ZooThe Last Train to Quarkville I'd like to…