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Young, Brigham

(Encyclopedia) Young, BrighamYoung, Brighambrĭgˈəm [key], 1801–77, American religious leader, early head of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, b. Whitingham, Vt. Brigham Young was…

Bolaño, Roberto

(Encyclopedia) Bolaño, RobertoBolaño, Robertobōlänˈyō [key], 1953–2003, Chilean novelist widely regarded as the most influential Spanish-language writer of his generation. He led a peripatetic life,…

Booth, John Wilkes

(Encyclopedia) Booth, John WilkesBooth, John Wilkeswĭlks [key], 1838–65, American actor, the assassin of Abraham Lincoln, b. near Bel Air, Md.; son of Junius Brutus Booth and brother of Edwin Booth.…

Beyond the Jamaican Bobsledders

Warm weather countries at the Winter Olympics by Gerry Brown Related Links 2006 Winter OlympicsMemorable Olympic MomentsBirth of the Modern OlympicsEncyclopedia: Ancient OlympicsFor…

Notable Scientists

Related Links Science Project IdeasScience Homework Questions Answered Science Project ProceduresNotable African-American ScientistsNotable Asian-American ScientistsNotable…

Information Please Press and Awards

Awards Since Our Debut The Information Please family of almanacs has a reputation for accuracy, proven in print for more than fifty years. Since its debut in February 1998, has…

Brewer's: Oracle of the Holy Bottle, Bacbuc

near Cathay, in Upper Egypt. Books iv. and v. of Rabelais are occupied by the search for this oracle. The ostensible object was to obtain an answer to a question which had been put to…

Brewer's: Philosopher's Stone

The way to wealth. The ancient alchemists thought there was a substance which would convert all baser metals into gold. This substance they called the philosopher's stone. Here the word…

Brewer's: April Fool

Called in France un poisson d'Avril (q.v.), and in Scotland a gowk (cuckoo). In Hindustan similar tricks are played at the Huli Festival (March 31st). So that it cannot refer to the…

Baker Island Map

  Baker Island Profile: History ‚· Government ‚· Economy ‚· Population ƒ‚‚¬‚¦ Baker Island Information Encyclopedia: Baker Island In-depth entries…