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Correa Delgado, Rafael Vicente

(Encyclopedia) Correa Delgado, Rafael VicenteCorrea Delgado, Rafael Vicenteräfäālˈ vēsānˈtā kōrāˈä delgäˈᵺō [key], 1963–, Ecuadorian economist and political leader, president of Ecuador (2007–2017),…

Great Wall of China

(Encyclopedia) Great Wall of China, series of fortifications, c.3,890 mi (6,260 km) long (not including trenches and natural defensive barriers), winding across N China from Gansu prov. to Liaoning…


(Encyclopedia) biathlonbiathlonbīăthˈlŏn [key], sport in which cross-country skiers race across hilly terrain, occasionally stopping to shoot, prone or standing as required, with rifles at sets of…

Bouteflika, Abdelaziz

(Encyclopedia) Bouteflika, AbdelazizBouteflika, Abdelazizäbdĕlˈäzēzˌ b&oomacr;tĕflĕkäˈ [key], 1937–, Algerian political leader. He fought against the French in the National Liberation Army and…

attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

(Encyclopedia) attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), formerly called hyperkinesis or minimal brain dysfunction, a chronic, neurologically based syndrome characterized by any or all of…

Mondale, Walter Frederick

(Encyclopedia) Mondale, Walter Frederick ("Fritz"), 1928–2021, Vice President of the United States (1977–81), b. Ceylon, Minn., Univ. of Minn. (B.A.,…

Medina Sidonia, Alonso Pérez de Guzmán, duque de

(Encyclopedia) Medina Sidonia, Alonso Pérez de Guzmán, duque deMedina Sidonia, Alonso Pérez de Guzmán, duque deälōnˈsō pāˈrĕth thā g&oomacr;thmänˈ d&oomacr;ˈkā ᵺā māᵺēˈnä sēᵺōˈnyä [key], 1550…


(Encyclopedia) ApenninesApenninesăpˈənīnz [key], Ital. Appennino, mountain system, running the entire length of the Italian peninsula. It extends south c.840 mi (1,350 km) from the Cadibona Pass in…

Aristide, Jean-Bertrand

(Encyclopedia) Aristide, Jean-BertrandAristide, Jean-Bertrandzhänˈ bĕrträndˈ äˌrēstēdˈ [key], 1953–, president of Haiti (1991, 1994–96, 2001–4). A radical Catholic priest who defended liberation…

Kemp, Jack French

(Encyclopedia) Kemp, Jack French, 1935–2009, American politician and government official, b. Los Angeles. He played football while at Occidental College (grad. 1957) and was a professional…