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Camino Real, El

(Encyclopedia) Camino Real, El [Span.,=The Royal Road]. There are Camino Reals in most former Spanish possessions, including four in former Spanish territory in the United States. Probably the best-…

Union party

(Encyclopedia) Union party, in American history. 1 Coalition of Republicans and War Democrats in the election of 1864. Abraham Lincoln was renominated for President with Andrew Johnson, the…

McGovern, George Stanley

(Encyclopedia) McGovern, George StanleyMcGovern, George Stanleyməgŭvˈərn [key], 1922–2012, U.S. senator from South Dakota (1963–81), b. Avon, S.Dak. He was a decorated B-24 bomber pilot during World…

Rutskoi, Aleksandr Vladimirovich

(Encyclopedia) Rutskoi or Rutskoy, Aleksandr VladimirovichRutskoi or Rutskoy, Aleksandr Vladimirovichŭlˌyĭksänˈdər vlŭdˌyĭmĭrˈəvyĭchˌ r&oomacr;tskoiˈ [key], 1947–, Russian politician, b. Ukraine…

Bainimarama, Frank

(Encyclopedia) Bainimarama, Frank (Josaia Voreqe Bainimarama)Bainimarama, Frankjōsäēˈä vôrĕnˈgĕ bīˌnēmäräˈmä [key] 1954–, Fijian naval officer and government leader. He rose through the ranks of the…

langue d'oc and langue d'oïl

(Encyclopedia) langue d'oclangue d'ocläNg dôk [key] and langue d'oïllangue d'oïldôēlˈ [key], names of the two principal groups of medieval French dialects. Langue d'oc (literally, “language of yes”)…

Great Wall of China

(Encyclopedia) Great Wall of China, series of fortifications, c.3,890 mi (6,260 km) long (not including trenches and natural defensive barriers), winding across N China from Gansu prov. to Liaoning…


(Encyclopedia) jackrabbit, popular name for several hares of W North America, characterized by very long legs and ears. Jackrabbits are powerful jumpers and fast runners. In normal progress leaps are…

Madoff, Bernard Lawrence

(Encyclopedia) Madoff, Bernard Lawrence Madoff, Bernard Lawrence māˈdôf [key], 1938–2021, American stockbroker,…

Correa Delgado, Rafael Vicente

(Encyclopedia) Correa Delgado, Rafael VicenteCorrea Delgado, Rafael Vicenteräfäālˈ vēsānˈtā kōrāˈä delgäˈᵺō [key], 1963–, Ecuadorian economist and political leader, president of Ecuador (2007–2017),…