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Brewer's: Blunderbore

A giant, brother of Cormoran, who put Jack the Giant Killer to bed and intended to kill him; but Jack thrust a billet of wood into the bed, and crept under the bedstead. Blunderbore came…

Ten Tips for Better Spelling

This may be the best-known spelling rule: i before e, except after cor when sounded like "ay"as in neighbor and weigh Here are some words that follow the rule:IE words: believe, field,…


Aftermath of the 2011 Tohoku earthquake, the largest ever recorded in Japan. Find information about catastrophic natural and human-caused disasters. The following lists are not all-inclusive. Only…

The Federalist Papers: Federalist No. 38

by AlexanderHamilton, JamesMadison and JohnJayFederalist No. 37Federalist No. 39Federalist No. 38 The Same Subject Continued, and the Incoherence of the Objections to the New Plan Exposed…

Federalist No. 10

No 9 No 11 The Same Subject Continued (The Union as a Safeguard Against Domestic Faction and Insurrection) From the New York Packet. Friday, November 23, 1787…

John F. Kennedy (January 11, 1962)

Mr. Vice President, my old colleague from Massachusetts and your new Speaker, John McCormack, Members of the 87th Congress, ladies and gentlemen: This week we begin anew our joint and separate…

Current Events This Week: October 2023

Top of Page World News | U.S. News | Disaster News | Science & Technology News It's a busy world out there, so that’s why we’ve boiled it all down to our top stories for each week of October…


(Encyclopedia) lace, patterned openwork fabric made by plaiting, knotting, looping, or twisting. The finest lace is made from linen thread. Handmade laces include needlepoint and bobbin lace, tatting…

Arnold, Benedict

(Encyclopedia) Arnold, Benedict, 1741–1801, American Revolutionary general and traitor, b. Norwich, Conn. As a youth he served for a time in the colonial militia in the French and Indian Wars. He…