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Brewer's: Meleager

Distinguished for throwing the javelin. He slew the Calydonian boar. It was declared by the fates that he would die as soon as a piece of wood then on the fire was burnt up; whereupon his…

Brewer's: Lion Sermon

(The). Preached in St. Katharine Cree church Leadenhall-street, London, in October, to commemorate “the wonderful escape” of Sir John Gayer, about 250 years ago, from a lion which he met…

Brewer's: Tune the Old Cow Died of

(The). Advice instead of relief; remonstrance instead of help. As St. James says (ii. 15, 16), “If a brother or sister be naked, and destitute of daily food, and one of you say to them,…

Brewer's: Bid-ale

An invitation of friends to assemble at the house of a poor man to drink ale, and thus to raise alms for his relief. “The ordinary amusements in country parishes (in 1632) were church-ales…

Brewer's: Bis

Bis dat, qui cito dat (he gives twice who gives promptly)— i.e. prompt relief will do as much good as twice the sum at a future period (Publius Syrus Proverbs.) Purple and bis, i.e.…

Brewer's: Cameo

An anaglyph on a precious stone. The anaglyph is when the figure is raised in relief; an intaglio is when the figure is hollowed out. The word cameo means an onyx, and the most famous…

Brewer's: Column

The Alexandrine Column. Made of granite; in memory of the Emperor Alexander. The Column of Antoninus. At Rome; made of marble, 176 feet high; in memory of the Emperor Marcus Aurelius…

Plants That Heal

For thousands of years, people from all corners of the globe have used herbs and plants to cure or prevent disease. There are several terms for this form of medicine: aromatherapy,…

January 2009 Current Events: World News

U.S. News | Business/Science News Here are the key events in world news for the month of January, 2009. Mills Elected Ghana's President in Runoff (Jan. 2): In a very tight runoff election—…