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Displaying 431 - 440

Brewer's: Troopers

mean troopships, as “Indian troopers,” ships for the conveyance of troops to India, especially between February and October, when the annual reliefs of British forces in India are made.…

Brewer's: Samaritan

A good Samaritan. A philanthropist, one who attends upon the poor to aid them and give them relief. (Luke x. 30-37.) Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer,…

Brewer's: Pithos

A large jar to keep wine or oil in. Winckelmann has engraved a copy of a curious bas-relief representing Diogenes occupying a pithos and holding conversation with Alexander the Great. (…

Brewer's: Alto relievo

Italian for “high relief.” A term used in sculpture for figures in wood, stone, marble, etc., so cut as to project at least one-half from the tablet. It should be rilievo (3 syl.).…

Brewer's: Badge of Poverty

In former times those who received parish relief had to wear a badge. It was the letter P, with the initial of the parish to which they belonged, in red or blue cloth, on the shoulder of…

Brewer's: Margarine Substitute

(A). A mere imitation. Just as margarine is an imitation and substitute of butter. “Between a real etching and that margarine substitute a pen-and-ink drawing ... the difference is this:…

Brewer's: Mezzo Relievo

Moderate relief (Italian). This is applied to figures which project more than those of basso relievo (q.v.), but less than those of alto relievo (q.v.). Source: Dictionary of Phrase and…

Brewer's: Palissy Ware

Dishes and other similar articles covered with models from nature of fish, reptiles, shells, flowers, and leaves, most carefully coloured and in high relief, like the wares of Della Robbia…

Brewer's: Elgin Marbles

A collection of ancient bas-reliefs and statutes made by Lord Elgin, and sent to England in 1812. They are chiefly fragments of the Parthenon at Athens, and were purchased by the British…

Brewer's: Gordon Riots

Riots in 1780, headed by Lord George Gordon, to compel the House of Commons to repeal the bill passed in 1778 for the relief of Roman Catholics. Gordon was undoubtedly of unsound mind, and…