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Is It a Cold or the Flu?

SymptomsColdFlu feverrarecharacteristic, high (102°–104° F); lasts 3–4 days headacherareprominent general aches, painsslightusual; often severe fatigue, weaknessquite mildcan last up to 2–3…

Miscellaneous Government Documents

Petition for Relief from Taxation Treaty of Tripoli The Declaration of Independence The Mayflower Compact The Monroe Doctrine The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag The Star-Spangled Banner The…

Women in American Religion

Even though it is only recently that women have been permitted to hold official roles in many religions, they have always been central to American religious life. Unofficially, women have often been…

Glossary of Chemical Terms - V

VA B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z vapor Another name for a gas. venting Providing an opening for the discharge of gases or the relief of pressure. viscosity Resistance of a…

Eugene of Savoy

(Encyclopedia) Eugene of Savoy, 1663–1736, prince of the house of Savoy, general in the service of the Holy Roman Empire. Born in Paris, he was the son of Eugène, comte de Soissons of the line of…


(Encyclopedia) fencing, sport of dueling with foil, épée, and saber. Swords have been in use since the Bronze Age, and nearly all people of antiquity practiced swordsmanship. Fencing as a contest…