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Menuhin, Yehudi

(Encyclopedia) Menuhin, YehudiMenuhin, Yehudiyəh&oomacr;ˈdē mĕnˈy&oomacr;ĭn [key], 1916–99, British violinist and conductor, b. New York City. Menuhin, an extraordinary prodigy, began playing…


(Encyclopedia) medal, a piece of metal, cast or struck, often coin-shaped. The obverse and reverse bear bas-relief and inscription. Commemorative medals are issued in memory of a notable person or…

Martin V, 1368–1431, pope

(Encyclopedia) Martin V, 1368–1431, pope (1417–31), a Roman named Oddone Colonna; successor of Gregory XII. He was created cardinal by Innocent VII, and in the schism (see Schism, Great) he attended…

Lehman, Herbert Henry

(Encyclopedia) Lehman, Herbert HenryLehman, Herbert Henrylēˈmən [key], 1878–1963, American political leader, b. New York City. At first an executive of a textile firm, he became (1908) a partner in…

Kelly, Ellsworth

(Encyclopedia) Kelly, Ellsworth, 1923–2015, American painter, b. Newburgh, N.Y. He moved to New York City in 1941, studying at Pratt Institute, and later attended the Boston Museum Arts School. In…


(Encyclopedia) hypnotismhypnotismhĭpˈnətĭzəm [key] [Gr.,=putting to sleep], to induce an altered state of consciousness characterized by deep relaxation and heightened suggestibility. The term was…


(Encyclopedia) antidepressant, any of a wide range of drugs used to treat psychic depression. They are given to elevate mood, counter suicidal thoughts, and increase the effectiveness of…

Sachs, Jeffrey David

(Encyclopedia) Sachs, Jeffrey DavidSachs, Jeffrey Davidsăks [key], 1954–, American economist, b. Detroit; grad. Harvard (B.A. 1976, M.A. 1978, Ph.D. 1980). He joined the Harvard faculty in 1980, and…

Saint-Gaudens, Augustus

(Encyclopedia) Saint-Gaudens, AugustusSaint-Gaudens, Augustussānt-gôdˈənz [key], 1848–1907, American sculptor, b. Dublin, Ireland. His family immigrated to New York when he was an infant. An…


(Encyclopedia) pain, unpleasant or hurtful sensation resulting from stimulation of nerve endings. The stimulus is carried by nerve fibers to the spinal cord and then to the brain, where the nerve…