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Ottonian art

(Encyclopedia) Ottonian artOttonian artŏtōˈnēən [key], art produced (c.900–1050) in the East Frankish kingdom of Germany known, after the emperors Otto (936–1002), as the Ottonian kingdom. Influenced…

Behistun Inscription

(Encyclopedia) Behistun InscriptionBehistun Inscriptionbāhĭst&oomacr;nˈ, bə–, bēhĭsˈt&oobreve;n [key] or Bisutun InscriptionBisutun Inscriptionbēs&oomacr;t&oomacr;nˈ, bēsə– [key],…


(Encyclopedia) vertigovertigovûrˈtĭgō [key], sensations of moving in space or of objects moving about a person and the resultant difficulty in maintaining equilibrium. True vertigo, as distinguished…

Bray, Thomas

(Encyclopedia) Bray, Thomas, 1656–1730, English clergyman and philanthropist. In 1696 he was selected by the bishop of London as his commissary to establish the Anglican church in Maryland. Bray…

Strauss, Lewis Lichtenstein

(Encyclopedia) Strauss, Lewis LichtensteinStrauss, Lewis Lichtensteinstrôz [key], 1896–1974, American financier, chairman of the Atomic Energy Commission (1953–58), b. Charleston, W.Va. In World War…

New Deal

(Encyclopedia) New Deal, in U.S. history, term for the domestic reform program of the administration of Franklin Delano Roosevelt; it was first used by Roosevelt in his speech accepting the…


(Encyclopedia) Mustafa or Kara MustafaKara Mustafakäräˈ [key]Kara Mustafa m&oobreve;stäfäˈ [key] [Turk. kara=black], d. 1683, Turkish grand vizier (chief executive officer) under Sultan Muhammad…


(Encyclopedia) nitroglycerinnitroglycerinnīˌtrōglĭsˈərĭn [key], C3H5N3O9, colorless, oily, highly explosive liquid. It is the nitric acid triester of glycerol and is more correctly called glycerol…


(Encyclopedia) isoplethisoplethīˈsəplĕthˌ [key], line drawn on a map through all points of equal value of some measurable quantity. In many meteorologic, oceanographic, or geologic studies some…

Li Tzu-cheng

(Encyclopedia) Li Tzu-chengLi Tzu-chenglē dz&oomacr;-chŭng [key], 1605–45, Chinese rebel leader who contributed to the fall of the Ming dynasty. With the help of scholars he organized a…