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adrenocorticotropic hormone

(Encyclopedia) adrenocorticotropic hormoneadrenocorticotropic hormoneədrēˈnōkôrˌtəkōtrŏpˈĭk [key], polypeptide hormone secreted by the anterior pituitary gland. Its chief function is to stimulate the…

Lone Wolf

(Encyclopedia) Lone Wolf, d. 1879, Kiowa Chief. He led some Kiowas on raids in 1874 after his son had been killed by whites, but he was defeated and with a number of followers was deported to Florida…

Bernardo del Carpio

(Encyclopedia) Bernardo del CarpioBernardo del Carpiobĕrnärˈdō dĕl kärˈpyō [key], hero of medieval Spanish legend. He was supposedly the nephew of Alfonso II of Asturias, against whom he strove to…

Krebs, Edwin Gerhard

(Encyclopedia) Krebs, Edwin Gerhard, 1918–2009, American biochemist, b. Lansing, Iowa. He and fellow Univ. of Washington professor Edmond Fischer discovered a biological regulatory mechanism,…

Amnesty International

(Encyclopedia) Amnesty International (AI,) human-rights organization founded in 1961 by Englishman Peter Benenson; it campaigns internationally against the detention of prisoners of conscience, for…

LL Cool J

(Encyclopedia) LL Cool J , 1968- , African-American rapper and actor, b. Queens, N.Y., as James Todd Smith. Smith had a tragic upbringing, with his…

dengue fever

(Encyclopedia) dengue feverdengue feverdĕngˈgē, –gā [key], acute infectious disease caused by four closely related viruses and transmitted by the bite of the female Aedes mosquito; it is also known…