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fertility rites

(Encyclopedia) fertility rites, magico-religious ceremonies to insure an abundance of food and the birth of children. The rites, expressed through dances, prayers, incantations, and sacred dramas,…

camp meeting

(Encyclopedia) camp meeting, outdoor religious meeting, usually held in the summer and lasting for several days. The camp meeting was a prominent institution of the American frontier. It originated…

Agricultural Adjustment Administration

(Encyclopedia) Agricultural Adjustment Administration (AAA), former U.S. government agency established (1933) in the Dept. of Agriculture under the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1933 as part of…

Bourbon, Antoine de

(Encyclopedia) Bourbon, Antoine deBourbon, Antoine deäNtwänˈ də [key]Bourbon, Antoine de b&oomacr;rbôNˈ [key], 1518–62, duc de Vendôme, king of Navarre through his marriage to Jeanne d'Albret;…

Boutwell, George Sewall

(Encyclopedia) Boutwell, George SewallBoutwell, George Sewalls&oomacr;ˈəl boutˈwəl, –wĕl [key], 1818–1905, American politician, b. Brookline, Mass. He served seven terms in the Massachusetts…

Throckmorton, Sir Nicholas

(Encyclopedia) Throckmorton or Throgmorton, Sir Nicholas, 1515–71, English diplomat. A relative of Catherine Parr, the last wife of Henry VIII, he became a staunch Protestant and gained the favor of…


(Encyclopedia) toxemiatoxemiatŏksēˈmēə [key], disease state caused by the presence in the blood of bacterial toxins or other harmful substances. The effects of the bacterial toxins known as…


(Encyclopedia) trichinatrichinatrĭkīˈnə [key], common name for species of roundworm of the phylum Nematoda. The species Trichinella spiralis is an important parasite, occurring in rats, pigs, and man…

Swift, Taylor Alison

(Encyclopedia) Swift, Taylor Alison, 1989- , American singer-songwriter, b. West Reading, Pa. A precocious songwriter, Swift moved to Nashville…

Ellsberg, Daniel

(Encyclopedia) Ellsberg, Daniel, 1931–2023, American political activist, b. Chicago, grad. Columbia Univ. (B.S., 1952, Ph.D., 1959). After serving in…