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Perón, Eva Duarte de

(Encyclopedia) Perón, Eva Duarte dePerón, Eva Duarte deāˈvä d&oomacr;ärˈtā ᵺā pĕrōnˈ [key], 1919–52, Argentine political leader. The second wife of Juan Perón, whom she married in 1945, she…

O. Henry

(Encyclopedia) O. Henry, pseud. of William Sydney Porter, 1862–1910, American short-story writer, b. Greensboro, N.C. He went to Texas in 1882 and worked at various jobs—as teller in an Austin bank (…

Roehm, Ernst

(Encyclopedia) Roehm or Röhm, ErnstRoehm or Röhm, Ernstboth: ĕrnst röm [key], 1887–1934, German National Socialist leader. An army officer in World War I, he met (1919) Adolf Hitler, whose political…

carbon cycle

(Encyclopedia) CE5 Carbon cycle carbon cycle, in biology, the exchange of carbon between living organisms and the nonliving environment. Inorganic carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is converted by…

Who, The

(Encyclopedia) Who, The, English rock music group formed in 1964. The members were Peter Dennis Blanford Townshend, 1945–, Chiswick, London, U.K…

Spears, Britney Jean

(Encyclopedia) Spears, Britney Jean, 1981- , b. McComb, Ms. Spears studied singing and dance as a young child in her hometown and enrolled in New…

Manson, Charles Milles

(Encyclopedia) Manson, Charles Milles, 1934–2017, American criminal and cult leader, b. Cincinnati, Ohio, as Charles Milles Maddox. As a youth Manson began a life of crime, mainly burglaries, thefts…

Longchamp, William of

(Encyclopedia) Longchamp, William ofLongchamp, William oflôngˈshămp, lôNshäNˈ [key], d. 1197, chancellor and justiciar of England, bishop of Ely. After service with Geoffrey, duke of Brittany, he…

Lorenz, Konrad

(Encyclopedia) Lorenz, KonradLorenz, Konradkônˈrät lôrˈĕnts [key], 1903–89, Austrian zoologist and ethologist. He received medical training at the Univ. of Vienna and spent two years at the medical…

Kramař, Charles

(Encyclopedia) Kramař, Charles or KarelKramař, Charles or Karelkäˈrĕl kräˈmärsh [key], 1860–1937, Czechoslovakian political leader. Elected (1891) to the Austrian parliament, Kramař soon became…